Courtesy and trade parking permits

Courtesy vehicle permit

Only current Newham parking permit holders can apply for a courtesy vehicle parking permit. You can apply for a courtesy permit if the vehicle for which you have a Newham permit becomes unavailable and you are using a temporary vehicle. This permit is only available if the courtesy vehicle is provided through your insurance. Please note that courtesy permits are linked to your current Newham parking permit and if that permit is cancelled or expires then it will also automatically cancel the courtesy permit.

Courtesy permits are not valid for vehicles which exceed 2.3m in height and/or 5.3m in length. It is solely the responsibility of the permit applicant to ensure that the vehicle for which they are applying for a courtesy permit does not exceed these dimensions. If any vehicle is found to be in breach of these dimensions the permit which has been applied for will be invalid and subject to cancellation which will mean that the vehicle can be enforced against.

When you apply you will need to provide:

  • The courtesy vehicle agreement from your insurance company
  • Proof of address

Courtesy permits are charged at £5.50 per permit

If a courtesy permit is being applied for a vehicle where the resident, disabled resident, business or charity business permit for that vehicle already has an exemption for Browning Road Bridge or a Healthy School Street, then the same exemption will automatically be applied to the courtesy permit issued. NB the exemption granted for a qualifying courtesy permit only applies for the period that the courtesy permit is valid for.

Apply for a courtesy permit