Planning policy and the Local Plan

Planning policy and the Local Plan

This page provides information on how Newham’s Local Plan is developed, evidenced, consulted on, monitored, and reviewed. In this section you can find out more about what the Local Plan currently contains, and the policies and considerations that will affect whether a proposal can be granted permission.  

Local Development Scheme 

The current Local Development Scheme was approved by councillors at the Cabinet meeting on June 4 2024 (PDF).

Statement of Community Involvement 

The Newham Statement of Community Involvement 2022 was adopted on the 22nd September 2022. The Newham Statement of Community Involvement (PDF) explains how and when the community and other stakeholders can be involved in the preparation of planning documents and the consideration of planning applications.

London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) 

If your development proposal falls within the boundaries of the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) they will be the relevant Local Planning Authority and your proposal will be assessed in accordance with their Local Plan. Visit the LLDC website for more information.