Supported and sheltered housing information and advice

Telecare personal alarm systems

Telecare is a personalised alarm system. It offers remote care to support people to stay safe and to continue to live independently within their own homes. It also provides support and reassurance for carers and family members.

Who Telecare is designed for

A basic telecare package includes a personal alarm, which can get you immediate support if you feel unwell. We can also install sensors in your home such as smoke and carbon dioxide detectors to monitor and alert us if something goes wrong.

Telecare can help people who:

  • Have recently been discharged from hospital
  • Have a disability
  • Are at risk of or who suffer falls
  • Have no local family or support network
  • Have memory loss or dementia
  • Have been victims of bogus callers, hate crime or domestic abuse.

How telecare works

All the telecare equipment is linked to a telephone-based alarm unit.

If you press the personal alarm or if a sensor is activated, our specialist control centre, Newham Network Telecare Services, is alerted and our operatives will speak to you.

We will then respond in the most suitable way. We may:

  • Call the emergency services
  • Contact a key holder
  • Visit you.

We provide an emergency response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, so help is always available.

Cost of Telecare

Our telecare service starts from as little as £2.78 a week and includes:

  • The telecare equipment including an alarm phone and personal alarm triggers
  • Installation of the equipment
  • Maintenance of the equipment
  • 24-hour monitoring service
  • Visiting service for Newham residents.

For an extra cost we can provide additional sensors to meet your needs. To discuss your options call us on 0300 003 1303.

You may qualify for additional sensors following an assessment by the Adult Social Care Team.

There is a charge for this service which the Adult Social Care Team will discuss with you.

Apply for telecare services

Before you fill in the form, make sure you have all the information that we ask for in our paper version of the application form (Word).

You can also print a copy of the paper version of the application form (Word) and send it to us by post.

Newham Network Telecare Service

1st Floor Block 8, Bridge Road Depot, Stratford, E15 3LX

Telephone: 0300 003 1303