
What is Telehealth?

BSL Support

Telehealth describes the use of assistive technology to monitor, control or manage your health remotely. It is usually available to patients who’ve been diagnosed with a long term health condition and other people who may also benefit from the service, including those who have:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Breathing problems (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD) 
  • Heart failure
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation 
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Pressure area care (monitoring, healed and at risk)
  • Post Covid support.

How does Telehealth work?

People enter data like blood pressure, heart rate, temperature for example via a tablet or a simple mobile device or even via a telephone call as relevant and agreed during the initial assessment.

The data is monitored remotely by Telehealth professionals and alerts are actioned by clinical and other relevant staff like rapid response, district nurses where appropriate and relevant.

Telehealth requires and facilitates people, carers and families to play an important role in understanding and managing the condition and thereby personalise the care.

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Telehealth Service

Address: Community Health Newham, East London NHS Foundation Trust.

Telephone: 0208 536 2335.