What is safeguarding and how to raise a concern

What is safeguarding?

BSL Support

We all have a right to live a life free from abuse and neglect. Safeguarding adults means protecting adults at risk from abuse or neglect by taking steps to prevent or stop it from happening.

In an emergency, please call 999

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Who is an adult at risk?

A vulnerable adult at risk is anyone aged 18 and over who:

  • Has care and support needs
  • Is experiencing, or at risk of abuse or neglect
  • Is unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.

What is abuse?

Abuse can be a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, which causes harm or distress. It happens in many forms such as:

In addition, there are particular types of abuse such as:

Who could be an abuser?

  • Spouses/partners
  • Other family members
  • Neighbours
  • Friends
  • Acquaintances
  • Local residents
  • People who deliberately exploit adults they perceive as vulnerable to abuse
  • Paid staff or professionals
  • Volunteers and strangers.

Where can abuse happen?

  • In your own home 
  • At relative's or friend's homes
  • In residential or nursing homes
  • In a day centre, social club, adult education centre
  • In hospital or GP surgery
  • Any public places.

What to do if you witness a person being abused

Take the following steps if you witness abuse or to report abuse:

  • Make sure that the person is safe
  • Listen calmly to the person
  • Talk reassuringly to the person and guarantee confidentiality
  • Explain that you must inform your line manager
  • Tell them that with their consent they can get help and support
  • Make an accurate report using the person's own words
  • Describe the circumstances in which it occurred
  • Keep the person informed of all follow-on proceedings.

How to raise a concern about an adult in Newham.

In an emergency situation, you need help fast. 

The Relay UK service lets deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired people in the UK alert police, ambulance, fire, or coastguard services by texting a message to 999 using our emergencySMS service.

1. Register your mobile. Text the word 'register' to 999. You'll need to register again if you change your phone number.

2. Read the message. You’ll get an automatic text reply. Please read it all. 

3. Reply to the message. Read the message and then reply by texting ‘yes’.

4. Get a 'success' text. You'll then get a text telling you that your mobile is now registered - or if there's been a problem…

5. Check it. Text 'register' to 999 and you'll get a message telling you if it's registered or not. Don't text anything else - there's no need to make a test call.  You're now set up.

Can't register? If you try to register but don't get the 'success' text, check with your mobile provider to make sure they support the emergencySMS service

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Report a safeguarding concern in Newham

To report suspected abuse or raise a concern for an adult at risk, please complete the relevant form below or contact the Access to Adult Social Care team.

Telephone: 020 3373 0440

Reporting social care fraud

Misuse of personal budgets that are paid to a person receiving care or their carer(s) to manage their care can be considered as fraud. You can find more information on how to report fraud below.