What is safeguarding and how to raise a concern

Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP)

This is a way of making sure you are involved when we are checking if there has been any abuse or neglect. The Care Act 2014 means that we must listen to your wishes and views so that you have choice and control.

We will ask you about your life and make sure we know what you want to happen at the end of the enquiry or your goal. We will talk with you to find the best way to keep you safe and make your quality of life better.

‘No decision about me without me’

What can you expect from us?

We will make sure you have support from a friend or family member or an advocate if you need help to speak up and make decisions.

We will make sure you and the people supporting you know what is happening.

Sometimes we may need to share information with other people that may know you.

We will respect your privacy.

We will work with you to make a plan to keep you safe now and in the future.

We will also think about anyone else that might not be safe.

Report a safeguarding concern in Newham

To report suspected abuse or raise a concern for an adult at risk, please complete the relevant form below or contact the Access to Adult Social Care team.

Telephone: 020 3373 0440