Safeguarding Adults Board

Annual Reports

BSL Support

After the end of each financial year, the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) annual report presents what it has done during that year to achieve its objective and implement its strategy.

It also provides information on the reviews arranged by it under section 44 (safeguarding adults reviews):

  • The findings of reviews which have concluded in that year or are ongoing at the end of that year (whether or not they began in that year
  • What it has done during that year to implement the findings of reviews arranged by it under that section, and
  • Where it decides during that year not to implement a finding of a review arranged by it under that section, the reasons for its decision.

Safeguarding Annual Adults Report 2023/24 (PDF)

Safeguarding Annual Adults Report 2022/23 (PDF)

Safeguarding Annual Adults Report 2021/22 (PDF)

Safeguarding Annual Adults Report 2020/21 (PDF)

If you would like this report in a different format (eg different language, or audio etc) please email


Safeguarding Adults Board Contact Details

Address: London Borough of Newham
Newham Dockside
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

Telephone: 020 3373 7819

Report a safeguarding concern in Newham

To report suspected abuse or raise a concern for an adult at risk, please complete the relevant form below or contact the Access to Adult Social Care team.

Telephone: 020 3373 0440