Reablement Service

Newham Reablement Service

BSL Support

The reablement service supports you to live independently at home.

What is reablement? 

Reablement refers to the support provided to adults aged 18 and over to help them retain or regain some of the skills they may have lost because of: 

  • Poor health
  • Disability
  • An impairment
  • A spell in hospital.

The service aims to maximise your potential to live a more independent life and reduce or prevent the need for ongoing support. The purpose is to help you do as much as possible for yourself instead of other people doing it for you.

The support provided will usually focus on helping you to complete ordinary tasks like cooking meals, washing, dressing, moving about the home and going out. Equipment may also be provided if there is a need for it.

You will work with care staff to set measurable and realistic goals which will be documented in a reablement plan. 

The service is free, provided at home and lasts up to six weeks.  However, the average intervention usually lasts for three to four weeks.

Who is reablement for?

Reablement may be suitable if you have:

  • Have spent some time in hospital and need to regain some of the skills and confidence you have lost
  • Have been struggling to manage at home and feel you need support to remain independent
  • Receive a long-term service but your needs have changed
  • Have specific goals for improving your wellbeing
  • Are a carer who wants to look at ways to promote their wellbeing by supporting the person they look after to do more things for themselves.

You do not need to have a specific diagnosis to be able to use the service.

Getting in touch

Contact the Access to Adult Social Care Team and an access officer will talk to you to see if reablement will be suitable for supporting you with the difficulties you are experiencing.

A visit will then be carried out by a member of the reablement team to develop a plan based on the goals and outcomes you want to achieve. These goals are typically related to:

  • Managing and maintaining good nutrition
  • Getting on and off a chair of bed
  • Walking indoors and outdoors
  • Managing your medications
  • Maintaining personal hygiene
  • Managing toilet needs
  • Being appropriately clothed
  • Being able to make use of the home safely
  • Maintaining a habitable home environment
  • Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships
  • Accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering
  • Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community.

What happens after reablement?

If ongoing support is needed after your period of reablement, the team will:

  • Work with you to think about other ways to arrange your care
  • Make onward referrals to organisations that may be able to support you such as Community Neighborhoods, health partner agency, employment services or providers of assistive technology.

If you are eligible for ongoing support provided by Adult Social Care, then the service will:

  • Assess your needs
  • Give you choice in the way in which your future care will be arranged
  • Give you an opportunity to manage your own personal budget.

Newham's Charging Policy will apply to any ongoing support provided by Newham and you will have a financial assessment completed.

Access to Adult Social Care Team

If you have an enquiry related to Adult Social Care then contact the Access to Adult Social Care Team. Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-4.45pm. When calling please select Option 2 for the Access to Adult Social Care team. Textphone: 18001 020 8430 2000

Telephone: 020 8430 2000