Paying for non-residential care

Charges for non-residential care services

BSL Support

We want to help you live in your own home for as long and as independently as possible. To do this we have a range of non-residential help and support available, such as:

  • Direct payments
  • Homecare
  • Going to day centres
  • Transport.

How much do these services cost?

We may charge a fixed rate or carry out a financial assessment to work out how much you will have to pay for services such as:

  • Independent Living Services including Homecare Support (personal care), Domiciliary Care (practical support and domestic services) and Outreach Services/Community Access
  • Day care (excluding day care as part of your residential care package)
  • Transport we provide
  • Services provided via a personal budget, including those paid through a direct payment.

Some people may be exempt from charges, there is more information on exemptions on the next page.

How are services provided?

We provide the services through a personal budget to give you more control over the support you get. You will be able to choose from a variety of services that are tailored to meet your needs.

Will I have to pay?

If you get our support you may have to make a contribution towards the cost of your services

We will ask you to complete a financial assessment form giving details of your income and savings. We will then work out whether you have to pay a contribution and how much. We explain how we do this on page 3 How we work out what you will pay.

Monthly drop-in sessions for residents

We will be holding monthly drop-in sessons for residents so you can come along and speak to us about your financial assessment. This could include how we have worked this out for you, any information you wish tell us about, changes in circumstances, discuss your adult social care debt.

The Direct Payments team will also be available to provide information about the different types of direct payments you might be able to have under Adult Social Care or if you already have a direct payment, we can provide you with support on how to manage it well.

The first sessions will be on Wednesday 9th October at Beckton Library and Monday 14th October at Stratford Library from 10am - 3pm. 

They will then be held every 2nd Monday of the month at Stratford Library and every 2nd Wednesday of the month at Beckton Library from 10am – 3pm.

Financial Assessment Charging Team

You can contact the Financial Assessment Charging Team directly for more information. Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm

Telephone: 020 3373 1184

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