Newham Centre for Health and Care Equity

Centre for Health and Care Equity Board membership

We are establishing an Advisory Board to provide strategic direction and support to the Centre. The Board will be chaired by Marie Gabriel, CBE who is Chair of North East London Integrated Care Board and the NHS Race and Health Observatory. The Advisory Board will be supported by a Delivery Group.

The Advisory Board will give strategic direction to the Centre and aims to:

  • Connect and engage the Centre into home institutions and sectors
  • Act as Champions for the Centre
  • Provide guidance to the Centre for Equity Delivery Group on where to focus, how and why

We are also establishing a Delivery Group to enable delivery of the work of the Centre. The Delivery Group will be chaired by Anne Bowers, Community Public Health lead from the London Borough of Newham’s Public Health team. The Delivery Group will:

  • Agree actions to build the Centre for Equity
  • Enable delivery on the actions that are agreed
  • Bring to bear resources from communities

We are looking for 3 resident members and 3 Voluntary, Community and Faith Organisation members for each board.

The commitment: members will be appointed for 2 years. The Advisory Group and the Delivery Board will have quarterly meetings for 2 hours each. There will be a few hours of email / communication between the meetings.

Details of the process to apply and join the board are below

Voluntary, community and faith organisation Advisory Board application detailed information (PDF)

Voluntary, community and faith organisation Advisory Board Application (DOCX)

Resident Advisory Board application detailed information (PDF)

Resident member expression of interest Advisory Board Application (DOCX)


Voluntary, community and faith organisation Delivery Group application detailed information (PDF)

Voluntary, community and faith organisation Delivery Group Application (DOCX)

Resident Delivery Group application detailed information (PDF)

Resident member expression of interest Delivery Group Application (DOCX)