Day services for people with a Learning Disability

Organisations based at the Resource Centre, Chargeable Lane

BSL Support

The Resource Centre on Chargeable Lane, E13 is a fully accessible venue for hire. It also has organisations operating from within:

Healthwatch Newham

Supporting local people to influence the delivery and design of health and social care services.
Call: 020 3828 8246

Ellingham Employment Service

Employment programmes to support disabled people into work. Ellingham also run a Day Opportunity Service that offers activities for people with learning disabilities
Call: 020 8519 5234

Enabled Living

Providing community equipment, sensory support wheelchair & specialist seating services to Newham residents. Enabled Living run a functional therapeutic room where you can come for an assessment of your sensory, Occupational Therapy or Telecare (Assistive Technology) needs.

Come along and try equipment and aids that may meet your needs.

Call: 020 3373 2222


Providing culturally appropriate day care service for people with learning, physical and sensory disabilities.

Call: 020 8880 7036 or 07474 889243

Resource Centre

A fully accessible venue for hire with a main hall, function room and open garden. Free parking, free WiFi and onsite/delivery catering service. Open Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm Weekends and bank holidays closed.

Address: The Resource Centre
200 Chargeable Lane
E13 8DW

Telephone: 020 3373 2209