Getting involved in shaping services

What is Co-Production?

Coproduction logo

It means working together on an equal basis.

In Newham this includes:

  • Residents and people with lived experience
  • Carers
  • Councillors
  • Community groups
  • Officers

It allows you to be involved in every aspect of a service, including it's:

  • Co-design
  • Co-commissioning
  • Co-delivery
  • Co-monitoring
  • Co-evaluation

The Benefits of Co-Production

Everyone in Newham is given an opportunity to have a say and to be part of important decisions on a range of Council services. This will enable our services to be:

  • Fit for purpose
  • Influenced and co-designed using first-hand experiences
  • Meet identified needs
  • Accessible
  • Co-produced in equal partnership to identify challenges and solutions.

How Newham Council support Co-Production

Newham Council has a well-established Co-Production structure, which:

  • Is supported by an in-house Co-Production Team and a number of external providers
  • Ensures a consistent approach to engagement with residents and people with lived experience.

Reward and Recognition Scheme

London Borough of Newham and its contractors recognise the need to reward the contribution residents, carers and people with lived experience make towards co-designing co-producing in order to improve a range of services.

Introduction to Co-Production training

The Newham Co-Production Team (Adults) runs a free monthly training about co-production. You can find out more and sign up on Eventbrite HERE

Sign up to our newsletter

To keep up to date with co-production in Newham, you can sign up to our newsletter using the link HERE


The Co-Production team, residents, carers and people with lived experience organise events throughout the year to promote a range of services but particularly those related to health-related and social care issues. Our events include:

  • Learning Disability Awareness Week
  • World Mental Health Day
  • Autism Awareness Week
  • Mental Health Awareness Week
  • The International Day of  Persons with Disabilities
  • Community and People Powered Places Assemblies

Here is a short video showcasing what the Co-Production team do:

Accessible Events Guide

During Co-Production Week 2024, we relaunched our Accessible Events Guide. This handy document, co-produced with Newham residents with disabilities, is a way of ensuring more residents are included and their needs are met at community events.

You can watch our introduction to the guide, led by Sophie Ibotson (Co-Production Team LBN) and Angus McKenzie-Davie (Resident and Newham Disability Rights Activist) to give you a breakdown of what’s included and why it’s important.  

The guide is a live document and evolves as we speak to and work with Newham community members. If you have any feedback or additional tips, please contact us at

Newham Council's Co-Production Team

To find out more or to get involved with Co-Production please call or email us.

Telephone: 07976 716741