Newham Civic Awards

Award Categories

There are 11 awards in 2023. Six of these are aimed at individual people, while the rest are for groups and organisations. The award categories and descriptions are set out in the tables below.

The Awards for 2023 for individuals are as follows:

The Honorary Alderperson Award

The Honorary Alderperson Award is made to former councillors, who have made an exceptional contribution to the borough and the council through their achievements whilst in office. Candidates should have rendered eminent services by way of an exceptional contribution to the borough and the council (or its predecessors) through their achievements whilst in office. This could be demonstrated:

  • by service as a Mayor, Civic Ambassador, a political Group Leader, a Cabinet Member, a Chair of a Committee or as a long-serving ward councillor;
  • through the exercise of their influence in achieving major change which resulted in a significant improvement in the social and economic well-being of the borough.

Candidates would normally be expected to have served at least two terms of office (eight years) as a councillor, though this need not be consecutively. They also need to be able to command support across the political spectrum and respect in the community, and work as a civic figure in an ambassadorial role.

Honorary Freedom of the Borough

 The Honorary Freedom of the Borough is the highest award the council can give to people who are not former councillors. Recipients might be:

•     People who have given years of service to the borough through their work, supporting the community, business and local economy, environment or charity work.

•     People who have influenced and achieved major change, which resulted in a significant improvement in the social and economic wellbeing of the borough.

•     People who have made a significant contribution to the borough through their employment in public services or their appointment to a public office.

•     A resident or person brought up in Newham who has made a significant contribution nationally to arts and culture, sport, the charity and voluntary sector, youth work, supporting vulnerable or older people, tackling social injustice, addressing environmental concerns, civic service or service in the uniformed services.

•      People who have served as a councillor in Newham, who, apart from their length of service, would meet the criteria for appointment as an Honorary Alderperson.

•      A leading international figure who, through their actions, can be seen as improving the wellbeing of a community of which a significant number of members of that community live in Newham.

The Good Neighbour Award

The Good Neighbour Award recognises unsung heroes who have been caring for people in their local neighbourhood - for example by helping neighbours with errands, advice, support, companionship and friendship.

It is also aimed at people who undertake voluntary work to help others in need, such as homeless people, people with mental health needs, disabilities and refugees.

The Outstanding Contribution Award 

The Outstanding Contribution Award is aimed at individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the social, cultural or environmental well-being of the borough and made Newham a better place to live.

Successful candidates might be involved in supporting people to participate in cultural or sporting activities and events. Alternatively, they might be taking a leading role in activities to improve the local environment or the safety of their local community.

The Outstanding Contribution Award is also for people who have excelled in bringing people from different backgrounds together to improve their neighbourhood or tackle a local issue and, by doing so, have strengthened community ties. This may have been through community campaigns and initiatives or social events, such as street parties.

NB The main difference between the Good Neighbour Award and the Outstanding Contribution Award is that the Good Neighbour Award is for people who have provided support to individuals, whereas the Outstanding Contribution Award is more concerned with people who have played a prominent role in group activity or activity that benefits a particular neighbourhood or the borough as a whole.

The Youth Excellence Award

The Youth Excellence Award supports the Council's aim of making Newham the best place for children and young people to grow up and reach their full potential.

It is aimed at children and young people under the age of 25, who have excelled in volunteering or social change activities. These activities could include mobilising people to tackle a big issue in their neighbourhood, such as improving the local environment, making the borough safer or getting involved in initiatives designed to improve people’s health.

The award is also open to young people who have raised funds for a good cause, or given help and support to other people.

Awards for groups or organisations

Community Wealth Builder Award

 The Community Wealth Builder Award is aimed at entrepreneurs, companies and organisations which have made a strong contribution to Newham’s economy.

Through its economic plans, the council is seeking to ensure that economic activity and investment coming into Newham benefits all sections of the community and in particular, reduces inequality and poverty in the borough. Find out more on our Community Wealth Building page.

We want to recognise good employers, who employ local people and purchase goods and services within the borough, so that as much wealth as possible stays within the borough and is shared fairly.

We are also keen to reward businesses that contribute to the social and physical regeneration of the borough, for example, by supporting local environmental improvements and taking measures to help tackle climate change.

Through the Community Wealth Builder Award, we are aiming not only to improve the wellbeing of current residents but also that of future generations.

Create and Thrive Award

The Create and Thrive Award recognises groups or organisations which have made an outstanding contribution to arts, culture or sport in the borough.

It is also open to groups or organisations that have provided social opportunities to children and young people. This might be by widening opportunities to participate or the direct delivery of activities and events.

Green Champion Award

The Green Champion Award recognises groups and organisations which have dedicated their time and energy to improving the local environment.

This might be by organising litter picks, setting up a community garden, improving public areas through community planting projects, or making it easier to reuse or recycle unwanted products or waste materials.

This award also recognises those organisations which have contributed significantly towards the delivery of the objectives of the Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan.

The Outstanding Organisation Award The Outstanding Organisation Award recognises established voluntary and community organisations in the London Borough of Newham, including not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies, which have made a significant long-term contribution to the borough’s social, cultural, economic or environmental well-being.
Stronger & United Together Award

The Stronger & United Together Award recognises voluntary, faith and community groups and organisations, which have brought together people of different cultures and communities to deepen understanding and respect for the diversity that exists in Newham.

It is also open to organisations promoting community safety in the borough.

Well Newham Award

The Well Newham Award recognises groups and organisations which have contributed towards improving the health and welfare of the people of Newham, and in particular the reduction of health inequalities in the borough, in line with the vision of Newham’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Well Newham: 50 Steps to a Healthier Borough.

The award is also open to organisations that are concerned with reducing poverty and providing welfare support to people in need, including activities that are helping to address the cost of living crisis.