Recently closed consultations

Age range proposal change at Grange Primary School

This consultation is now closed.

The consultation on a proposal to change the age range from three to eleven to two to eleven has now closed. The age range change to two to eleven from three to eleven has been approved.

Grange Report Sign Off (PDF)

This paper sets out the proposal to add funded early years provision for children aged two at Grange Primary School. It is written for parents, carers, governors, staff, pupils and other people who have an interest in the school and in the proposal. The Local Authority (LA) will consider your views and responses before taking the proposal forward.

Background information
Grange Primary School is a single form entry maintained community school providing primary education.  Following a successful bid to the School Nursery Capital Fund, Grange Primary is intending to extend its nursery provision to allow the addition of children aged two.  A change to the age range requires a statutory process as detailed in Department for Education statutory guidance “Making significant changes (prescribed alterations) to maintained schools”, October 2018. 

The Proposal
The proposal is to offer twenty six part time funded two year old places, following the completion of a capital scheme to extend the nursery provision. The Schools Governing Body has given its support to this proposal to widen the age range of the school. 

Sufficiency and standards
The school is based in the ward of Canning Town North.  According to Newham’s childcare sufficiency assessment 2019 this ward has a higher than average need for two year old places to meet the needs of local families. 

The Consultation Process
Initial consultation with parents was conducted by Grange Primary school in April 2020. This included sending a message via parent mail detailing the planned development. 

A Public Notice will be published in the Newham Recorder on Wednesday 3 June 2020.

The formal consultation process that is now being undertaken involves the following steps:
•    Publication of Public Notice followed by a four week consultation period. 
•    Seek the views of parents, carers, governors, staff, pupils and other people who have an interest in the school and in the proposal.
•    Take a report to Senior Officers within the Council to formally decide whether to proceed with the expansion.

How can I make my views known?
We would like to receive your comments in writing including your name, signature and address by Tuesday 30 June 2020.

We would also be pleased to receive e mails. Send all e mails to Should you wish to discuss the proposals directly please call 020 3373 9601

To whom should I send my comments?

Richard Soane
Service Planning Manager
Best Start in Life Team
First Floor East
Newham Dockside