Council Tax Reduction

How much of a Council Tax Reduction will I receive?

Working-age adults can get Council Tax Reduction of up to 90% off their council tax bill. 

Every working-age resident in Newham must pay at least 10% of their council tax bill. 

If you are a pensioner, your council tax reduction will apply to the whole of your bill. 

A pensioner is someone who has reached the qualifying age for state pension credit. You can use the State Pension calculator on the Government’s website to find out if you have reached the qualifying age. 

Council Tax Reduction (CTR) Ready Reckoner 2023/24

The ready reckoner shows the income below which you may qualify for CTR. Please note, the figures are general and actual entitlement to CTR will vary depending on your particular circumstances.

For example:

  • The figures assume you pay Band C Council Tax. Your qualifying income will be higher or lower depending on whether you are in a higher or lower band
  • The figures for single people assume you get a single person discount. If you do not get a discount, your qualifying income would be about £5 a week higher
  • If you have adults in your household (other than your partner) there may be a deduction for them - see table on non-dependants further down this page
  • Your qualifying income may be higher if anyone in your household has a disability
  • If you are working, we disregard National Insurance, Income Tax and half of any pension contributions when calculating income from earnings
  • If you are working, we may also disregard some or all of your childcare costs.

Please note that if you are receiving Universal Credit, you should deduct any housing element or childcare element when deciding how much income you have.

Your circumstances Maximum weekly income:
Single person  
Under 25 190.62
Age 25 to pensionable age 208.22
Pensionable age 354.13
Single, with children  
with one child 286.00
with two children 363.78
with three children 363.78
Under pensionable age 256.72
Pensionable age 461.83
Couple, with children  
with one child 334.50
with two children 412.28
with three children 412.28

Deductions for non-dependants

‘Non-dependants’ are people aged 18 or more who live in your household. (Your partner does not count as a non-dependant.) The deduction represents the amount we think the non-dependant should contribute towards your Council Tax.

We make one deduction for non-dependant couples, the highest amount that would apply to either of them. In some cases not listed below we would not make a deduction.


Non-dependant income Weekly deduction from 1 April 2023
Full-time work - gross income £394 or more 19.80
Full-time work - gross income £316 - £393.99 16.50
Full-time work - gross income £183 - £315.99 13.10
Full-time work - gross income less than £183 6.60
Others aged 18 or over 6.60
Receiving State Pension Credit, Income Support, Income-based Jobseekers Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, or Universal Credit on the basis that they do not have an earned income.  Nil


Non-dependant income Weekly deduction from 1 April 2023
Full-time work - gross income £511.00 or more 14.15
Full-time work - gross income £410.00 to £510.99 11.80
Full-time work - gross income £236.00 to £409.99 9.40
Full-time work - gross income less than £236.00 4.60
Others aged 18 or over 4.60
Receiving State Pension Credit or receiving Income Support, Income-based Jobseekers Allowance or Income-related Employment and Support Allowance. Nil

You could also use an independent, free and anonymous benefits calculator Benefits calculators - GOV.UK ( to check what you could be entitled to. 

Contact us about Council Tax

Address: Council Tax and Benefits Service
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU

Telephone: 020 8430 2000