Funding for community projects

Warm Haven Grant Programme

This grant programme is currently unavailable. 

Warm Haven Grants 2023/24

Organisation Amount awarded Project theme
ANKH Place CIC £1,500 Proposal type: Family Warm Haven in Plaistow Fire Station, providing refreshments, well-being sessions, conversation clubs and children activities
Applecartlive Ltd £1,500 Proposal: Warm Haven in their café/community hub, creating Network for families and individuals; crafts and refreshments
Carpenters and Dockland Centre £500 Proposal: Warm Haven based in their community centre and will provide refreshments, hot meals, showers, TV and social chats.
Newham Muslim Forum £500 Proposal: Will be held in Plaistow Fire station to run activities (crafts), sign posting service, form filling service in multiple languages and providing refreshments
The Drop In Beareavement Centre £500 Proposal: Continuation of Fitness and Lunch Club in church hall for beneficiaries who are bereaved and isolated, 65+. Warm space and hot lunch and refreshments after chair based mobility class
The Magpie Project £500 Proposal: Warm Haven in their community space to provide refreshments/hot meals and entertainment
St Bartholomews Centre and Parish Office £1,500 Proposal: Soft furnishing for Warm Haven to make their café space more welcoming
St Annes Church £420 Proposal: Warm Bank in St Annes’ Church providing hot drinks/cakes/biscuits and foodbank for vulnerable residents
Richard House Trust £500 Proposal type: Warm Haven provision at Hospice providing refreshments and safe space
Anjuman-e-Islamia, Newham £500 Proposal: Warm Haven in Mosque, providing refreshments, hot meal/catering, safe friendly environment
Newham Muslim Forum (Westfield) £1,500 Proposal: Warm Haven in Westfield Multi-faith Room providing refreshments, signposting service and wellbeing sessions
Paying it forward paying it now £500 Proposal: Based in Plaistow Library – financial literacy sessions; community research think tank, massage services, providing food and refreshments
Sheringham Nursery and Children’s Centre £500 Proposal: Warm Haven provision throughout winter at Sheringham Nursery school providing winter clothes bank and refreshments
Newham Somali Association £500 Proposal: Warm Haven in their facilities in Forest Gate providing refreshments, games and advise service
1st 4 Education


Proposal: warm haven in their facility, providing refreshments
Healtogether CIC £1,500 Proposal: Warm Haven in Community Links for women in Newham; peer support, signposting, food and drinks
Rosetta Art Centre CIO £1,500 Proposal: Warm Haven in Gainsborough learning Centre, providing refreshments and friendly environment 
St Matthias Church  £500 Proposal type: Warm Haven; 3 overnight shelters, hot dinner, breakfast, refreshments, fresh laundry material
CEM UK £1,000 Proposal: Warm Haven provision providing Hot meals, refreshments, games, money management advice from Our Newham Money


Warm Haven