Licensing – have your say

Problems at a licensed premises

If there are problems with crime and disorder, report them to the Police.

If you want to complain noise or nuisance, you can call our Anti-social Behaviour and Nuisance (Noise) Service on 020 8430 2000.

Our officers can visit and investigate complaints up until 4am, seven days a week.

If a licensed premises causes you severe problems, you may ask us to review the premises licence or club premises certificate.

Apply for a review of a premises licence or club premises certificate 

You must make the application on the basis of one or more of the four licensing aims above.

We will then hold a hearing, and the licence could be taken away or the hours of the licence could be reduced.

Complaints about licensed premises

You can contact us about any other complaints about licensed premises - or premises you believe need a licence.

Contact our Licensing Team on 020 8430 2000



Contact Licensing Authority

Address: Licensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RP

Telephone: 020 8430 2000