How to make a representation about a licensing application
Write to us at:
Licensing Team
East Ham Town Hall
Barking Road
E6 2RT
Or you can email us at
When you write, please ensure you provide:
- Your name and address (including signature and date)
- The name and address of the premises you want to object to
- The licensing aim(s) that you think will or will not be met if we grant the application and the problems you think will happen if we grant the licence
- The reason(s) for your view and any evidence to support it
- Your daytime telephone number (if possible) so that we can discuss the matter with you if we need to.
We must receive your representation by the date given in the notices of application, which you can find on and around the premises. If we receive your representation later than this we cannot consider it. Note that we will normally give the person making the application a copy of all the representations we receive.
What happens next?
Once we receive your representation, we will check that it is legally acceptable. If it isn’t, we will tell you why.
We will call a hearing of the Licensing Sub-committee to decide the application. We will tell all the people involved when the hearing will be. We will invite all those who made representations to the application to come to the hearing and tell the Sub-committee about their views.
If you come to the hearing, the councillors on the Sub-committee may ask you questions. They will assess the information presented to them at the hearing. Based on this information, they will make a decision on whether to grant the application and, if so, whether to attach conditions.
If you want to send a petition, contact us first.