Register a death

Submit a medical certificate of cause of death

Submit a medical certificate of cause of death

The above form is intended for Coroners, Doctors, Medical Examiners, Hospitals and Surgeries to provide the Registrars Service with a medical cause of death certificate for a death occurring in Newham. 

If you are next of kin and would like to enquire how to register a death, please email us on or call us on 0208 430 2000.

Using this service

Use this service to send a digital copy (a scan) of Medical Cause of Death Certificates to the Registrars Service as soon as possible to ensure the death is registered within the legally required 5 calendar days. This form is also to be used by the Coroners to submit Inquests, Form A and B

It usually takes about 5 minutes to complete.

All deaths must now be referred to the Medical Examiner’s Office before being sent to us for registration. Please annotate the certificate to show that the case has been referred to the Medical Examiner’s office by writing on the certificate in red ME and the date of the referral.  The medical certificate must be fully included in the scan. You may find it easier to separate the counterfoil from the certificate to do this.

Do NOT give the original certificate to the next of kin. Please send it to:

Newham Register Office
Newham Town Hall
324 Barking Road
East Ham
E6 2RP