Information you will need
Who can register a death?
This is usually done by a relative but the following people can also register a death:
- a person present at the death;
- a person who lived at the same address, if they are aware of the death;
- the person arranging the funeral.
If English is not the first language of the person registering the death they can ask a friend or relative to be with them when making the registration.
Information you will need
The registrar will need to see the medical certificate issued by the doctor showing the cause of death. If the death has been referred to the coroner, the Coroner’s Office will tell you what to do.
If available also take one of the deceased person’s:
- Passport
- Birth certificate
- Council Tax bill
- Driving licence
- Marriage or civil partnership certificate
- NHS medical card
- Proof of address (such as a utility bill).
Additionally, the registrar will need to know:
- The date and place of death
- The full name and surname of the deceased
- The maiden surname (if applicable, and if it is different from their married name)
- The deceased person’s date and place of birth
- The deceased person’s occupation
- The usual address of the deceased
- The full name and occupation of the spouse of the deceased
- The date of birth of the surviving widow/ widower if the person who died was married.
You will need to bring your ID – such as a passport, Council Tax bill or driving licence.