Reporting fraud and how we deal with it

Housing Benefit fraud

Housing Benefit fraud includes:  

  • Failing to declare income from employment, a student loan or bursary, occupational pensions or tax credits  
  • Not declaring savings, investments or property you own 
  • Not living at the property when you say you do 
  • Claiming in more than one identity 
  • Not declaring that you are living with a partner who is working 
  • Declaring that you are living on your own when you are living with a partner 
  • Falsifying the details of your pay 
  • Failing to declare a private or occupational pension 
  • Claiming Housing Benefit on a property that you own. 

If you receive housing benefit, you must tell us about any changes in your circumstances.

You can report housing benefit fraud on the Government’s website 

Report fraud by phone

If you suspect or know someone is committing fraud, phone our fraud hotline, 0800 052 2420. If you wish to report Council Tax fraud you should ring 0800 854 440.

Prosecuting fraudsters

Where we have enough evidence and it’s in the public interest we will look to prosecute those found to have committed fraud against the Council. We will also where appropriate look to recover money and assets under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.