Reporting fraud and how we deal with it

Tackling Tenancy Fraud

Newham Council take a zero tolerance approach to tenancy fraud.  

The current demand for Social Housing outweighs the number of available properties, as the number of those in need and temporary accommodation increase; we are doing all we can to ensure that the right people are in the right homes. 

Fraudulent subletting 

In 2013 the Government recognised that unlawful subletting is a serious problem in the UK, particularly in London and the South East. The Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013 was introduced and made unlawful subletting a criminal offence.  

Tenants are committing fraud if they have a tenancy with the council but live elsewhere and sublet the property to another person (including family members). Tenancy fraud also includes providing false information when applying for housing, exercising the Right to Buy and illegally applying to succeed a tenancy of someone who has died. 

If prosecuted you could face a prison sentence of 2 years and/or a fine of up to £50,000. 

The impact of tenancy fraud 

The impact of tenancy fraud means that those in need of social housing have to wait longer to be housed, we lose our stock to the private rental sector, we have high temporary accommodation costs and often can have expensive repairs when unauthorised occupants move out. 

Action we take against tenancy fraud 

The Fraud Team will investigate all allegations of tenancy fraud and take action where we have sufficient evidence that fraud has taken place. 

This action can include a criminal prosecution and/or a claim for possession of the property through civil courts; we will always look to make a claim for any legal costs occurred as well as any relevant compensation due. 


Report suspected tenancy fraud

If you would like to report an allegation of tenancy fraud please contact the Fraud Team. Your identity will always remain anonymous and not be disclosed as part of the investigation.

Telephone: 0800 052 2420 

Report fraud by phone

If you suspect or know someone is committing fraud, phone our fraud hotline, 0800 052 2420. If you wish to report Council Tax fraud you should ring 0800 854 440.

Prosecuting fraudsters

Where we have enough evidence and it’s in the public interest we will look to prosecute those found to have committed fraud against the Council. We will also where appropriate look to recover money and assets under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.