Bulky household waste collections

Bulky waste collections

Donate items

Help your community and the environment by donating items to charity to be re-used. Good quality, clean furniture, white goods and bric-a-brac can all be collected from your home.  

One local option is the TCL Reuse Centre but there are lots more options suggested on our donate unwanted items page.

You can also take items to the Jenkins Lane Reuse and Recycling Centre where furniture, bikes, clothes, paint and books are reused and other items are recycled.

Use the council’s bulky waste service

A bulky waste collection is for large unwanted items such as furniture, fridges, freezers or TVs.

This service is for household items only. We offer a commercial waste service for businesses in Newham. You can find out more on our commercial waste service page.

Bulky waste collection

Before you apply, please read the terms and conditions, and check we can collect the items you want to get rid of. After you make payment, put your items out for collection immediately.

Missed collections

If you are concerned we have missed your bulky waste collection, please use the form below. Note that you will need your booking reference number.