Newham markets

Queen’s Sunday Market

Queens Sunday Market is open from 10am until 4pm. Sunday Licensed Casual Traders wishing to trade should contact 

Queen’s Sunday Market is for casual trading only, and the range and type of goods on sale can differ from week to week. 

It is a chance for you to try something new as a shopper and to try out your stallholder patter if you are thinking of taking up market trading. 

Visit Queen’s Sunday Market 

You can find Queen’s Market at: 

Green Street 
Upton Park 
E13 9BA. 

Tube: Upton Park 
Buses: 5, 25 58, 86, 104, 115, 238, 325, 330, 376. 

Market days 


Opening hours  

10am - 4pm 

Goods sold 

Traders for Queen’s Sunday market differ from those who trade during the week. But the market still reflects the diversity of the local community. You can stock up on fresh fruit and vegetables and find new traders selling everything from second-hand goods to new clothing, jewellery and fabric. 

Goods sold include: 

  • Second-hand goods 
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables 
  • Jewellery 
  • Embroidered cloths 
  • New clothing 
  • Toys. 

Apply to trade at Queen’s Sunday Market 

Please note - we are currently not taking on any new applications until further notice.

This market is for casual trading only. 
If you would like to trade at Queen's Sunday Market, you will need to check with us to see if there are any trading opportunities. We will then invite you to apply for a street market trading licence. 
Trading from the floor is not permitted, all traders must use tables, stalls, or rails. The use of overturned cages, bread crates, pallets or any similar items are banned. 
Electrical goods can only be sold if they are new and you have receipts to prove this or if second hand, are PAT tested. 
The sale of cosmetics is prohibited.  
For full details, go to the market trading licence page. 

Booking a Sunday pitch 

As long as you have a street market trading licence, you can ask to reserve a pitch at Queen's Sunday Market. To reserve a pitch, go to the Queens Road Market Office: 

7 Queens Market 
Upton Park 
E13 9BA 
You can book up to seven days in advance, but you must book before Friday. 

We give you an invoice for your pitch rent within two days. After we receive your payment, we allocate you a pitch if there is one available. 
We also reserve five pitches for late bookings on Sunday between 9 and 10am. 

We can’t refund your payment if you make a late cancellation or booking. 


Casual pitch rent: £17 per pitch per day 

Casual pre-booked pitch Sunday to Sunday only £14 


If you are unhappy with how we have managed your request you should contact the Information Rights team at:

Address: Information Rights
Newham Dockside
4th Floor West
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU