Newham markets

Pilgrim’s Way Market

Pilgrim’s Way Market started as a temporary event but soon became a popular and permanent fixture on the Newham market calendar. With 13 stalls, it’s well supported by local shoppers and well connected by several bus routes.  

Visit Pilgrim’s Way Market 

You can find Pilgrim’s Way Market at: 

Pilgrim’s Way 
East Ham 

Tube: East Ham (District line and Hammersmith and City line) 
Buses: 101, 147, 238, 300, 376, 474. 

Opening times of the Newham Markets are different over the Christmas and New Year period.

Market days 

Tuesday to Saturday 

Opening hours 

9am - 6pm

Goods sold 

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables 
  • Hand-made jewellery and crafts 
  • Sweets 
  • New clothing 
  • Bedding 
  • Footwear and bags. 

Apply to trade at Pilgrim’s Way Market 

If you would like to trade at Pilgrim's Way Market, you will need to check with us to see if there are any trading opportunities. We will then invite you to apply for a street market trading licence. 

To apply, go to the market trading licence page


Casual trading 

£17.95 per pitch per day  

Permanent trading 

£66.51 per pitch per week 

Deposit: £266.04 

Pitch charges include electricity. You will be responsible for removing your own waste at the end of the trading day. 


If you are unhappy with how we have managed your request you should contact the Information Rights team at:

Address: Information Rights
Newham Dockside
4th Floor West
1000 Dockside Road
E16 2QU