Guidance and documents that support the Local Plan
There are a number of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) that support the implementation of the Local Plan. These may be used in the assessment of planning applications.
Altering and extending your home SPD (PDF)
If you are unsure how these supplementary planning documents may affect your application, we would advise you to use our pre-application advice service, or seek to advice from a professional planning consultant.
Lea River Park
Developments alongside the River Lea and in the vicinity of identified Lea River Park projects should ensure they are facilitating delivery of the Lea River Park vision as set out in the guidance documents below.
The Leaway will provide a continuous walking and cycling route along the River Lea, linking Stratford and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to the Royal Docks and the Thames. It is the backbone to the Lea River Park, a series of interconnected spaces that will transform the riverside and link the Lee Valley Regional Park to the north with the River Thames.
The Lea River Park Primer (PDF) sets out the vision, benefits and key features of the park
The Lea River Park Design Manual (PDF) established principles and examples for the design of waterside interventions
The Curatorial Approach for the River Lea (PDF) ensures the historic legacy of the River Lea is reflected in artistic and cultural activities within the park
For more information on the Lea River Park, please contact the LLDC.
Travel Plan Guidance
Newham is committed to lowering carbon emissions, better air quality and improving the health and wellbeing of residents. Supporting reduced reliance on car travel through the promotion of walking cycling and public transport is key to delivering these objectives. In addition, The Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy has set a target for 83% of all trips in the London Borough of Newham to be carried on foot, by cycle or using public transport.
Travel Plans are a vital tool for ensuring that residents, workers and visitors in new developments and existing buildings travel more actively and sustainably. By raising awareness of the sustainable travel options available to the end users of a site, and by delivering measures that further incentivise walking, cycling and public transport, these tools can generate a host of far-reaching benefits, including reduced congestion, improved air quality, safer and more pleasant streets, and improved physical and mental wellbeing. Travel Plans also help to monitor the impact of measures in influencing modal choices.
We have produced Travel Plan Guidance (PDF) to assist those looking to prepare a Travel Plan for any site or organisation in Newham. It contains considerations, evidence, resources and advice on what a Travel Plan should contain. The guidance should be reviewed by anyone preparing a Travel Plan as a planning requirement, and is recommended for any organisation looking to voluntarily prepare a Travel Plan for an existing building.
- Travel Surveys - Common Barriers Analysis Tool (Excel)
- Travel Plan Key Contacts Form (Word)
- Travel Surveys Core Questions Form (Word)
- Travel Plan Monitoring Report Guidance (PDF)
London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC)
Within the boundaries of the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) the LLDC supplementary planning guidance will apply where appropriate. Visit this page for more information.
Demolition and Construction Logistic Plan Guidance
Newham is committed to using tools to reduce the negative impacts demolition and construction work can have within our borough. This guidance has been produced to inform all parties on our expectations and requirements for the demolition and construction phases of development within the borough and shows what is expected for the submission of any D/CLPs through the process. The guidance provides details of the contents of the D/CLP and the level of information that applicants should provide. The guidance should be reviewed by anyone preparing a D/CLP as a planning requirement. Further contact details of the Council teams involved in the process are provided within the guidance.