Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

Odessa LTN

The Odessa Low Traffic Neighbourhood is now a permanent scheme, as decided by Newham Cabinet on 17 January 2022.

Currently the LTN team is reviewing potential complimentary and mitigating measures based on resident and stakeholder feedback, including improved infrastructure for disability access, additional pedestrian and cycle crossings, changes to traffic management, traffic calming measures, and improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. Further public consultation to discuss complimentary and mitigating measures is expected to take place over the coming months.Ltn 1 and 2 map

Download Maryland and Odessa map (PDF)

Modal filter odessaTemporary modal filter in Odessa LTN

Project background

Cabinet Report: Sustainable Transport and Highways - Covid-19 Response (11 June 2020)

This report sets out the Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme as part of its COVID-19 response, to reduce through traffic on residential streets, to further enable more people to walk and cycle safely as part of their daily routine.

Read the report here

Project leaflets

A series of leaflets have been released over the lifespan of the project to inform residents about scheme progress.

Leaflet 1 (August 2020)

Leaflet 2 (October 2020)

Leaflet 3 (June 2021)

Leaflet 4 (December 2021)

Officer Key Decision Report

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Areas 1, 2 and 2.1 - Conversion of Experimental Schemes to Permanent (25 January 2022)

This report provides the decision to make the Maryland LTN and the Odessa LTN permanent.

Officer Key Decision Report - Tuesday 25th January 2022

Agenda for Officer Key Decision on Tuesday 25th January 2022

Read the decision on permanency press release here

Project leaflets – permanent stage

1) Ash Road modal filter upgrade

We have produced a draft design for a modal filter upgrade. We want to hear what you think.

Please e-mail your views to liveableneighbourhoods@newham.gov.uk by 26 November 2023

The audio for Leaflet 1 can be found below:


2) Station Road modal filter upgrade

We have produced a draft design for a modal filter upgrade. We want to hear what you think.

Please e-mail your views to liveableneighbourhoods@newham.gov.uk by 26 November 2023

The audio for Leaflet 1 can be found below: