Regeneration project: Stratford

Stratford Town Centre Masterplan

Working with residents and businesses, Newham Council is taking forward a new masterplan for Stratford Town Centre.  

The masterplan is the first produced in more than a decade by the Council. It will set out the 15 year vision to harness the benefits of forthcoming developments to the requirements of the local community.

The masterplan aligns with the Mayor of Newham, Rokhsana Fiaz’s innovative Community Wealth Building vision that is about creating the right conditions for residents and businesses to thrive, including genuinely affordable housing, affordable workspace and the skills to access opportunities. This approach will ensure residents and businesses can make the most of the huge changes that are happening in Newham.

The plan will include a range of initiatives aimed at helping those that live and work in the town centre. This includes the more effective utilisation of empty or underutilised buildings for new and existing economic uses that support Community Wealth Building. View the Active Spaces page to learn more about this project.

The project team are working with local residents and businesses to establish what their priorities and expectations are from a town centre which better serves their needs.

Public participation in the project has begun. We have asked local people to comment and make suggestions at Newham We will also share updates on how to get involved in the project here in the future.

Stratford Regeneration team

For any enquiries please contact the Stratford Regeneration team on

Website related to Stratford masterplan