Special educational needs

Many children and young people have special educational needs (SEN) at some time during their education. Find information about special educational needs, special schools and the support you can get as part of the Local Offer.

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Special schools in Newham

Special schools are schools catering for students who have special educational needs due to severe learning difficulties, physical disabilities or behavioural problems. You can find details for all the borough’s special schools below.

Eko Pathways School (Primary)

Flanders Road, London E6 6FE
Phone: 020 7884 5234
Email: info@eleanorsmith.newham.sch.uk 
Website: www.eleanorsmith.newham.sch.uk

Eko Pathways (Secondary)

Flanders Road, London E6 6FE
Phone: 020 7884 5234
Email: officeKS3@eleanorsmith.newham.sch.uk 
Website: www.eleanorsmith.newham.sch.uk

John F Kennedy (four sites)

Stratford campus
Pitchford Street, London E15 4RZ
Phone: 020 8534 8544
Fax: 020 8555 3530
Email: info@johnfkennedy.newham.sch.uk 
Website: John F Kennedy Special School - JFK Stratford Overview (lihtrust.uk)

Beckton campus
Tollgate Road, London E16 3LQ
Phone: 020 7474 6326
Fax: 020 7476 8941
Email: info@johnfkennedy.newham.sch.uk 
Website: John F Kennedy Special School - JFK Beckton Overview (lihtrust.uk)

North Woolwich campus
68A Winifred Street. London E16 2HX
Email: info@jfk.lihtrust.uk
Website: John F Kennedy Special School - JFK North Woolwich Overview (lihtrust.uk)

Plaistow campus (Secondary ASC - Subject-Based Learners)
Northern Road, London E13 9JA
Phone: 0203 108 0390
Email: info@jfk.lihtrust.uk
Website: John F Kennedy Special School - JFK Plaistow Overview (lihtrust.uk)