Religious education and SACRE
The religious education (RE) curriculum is set locally by councils in the UK which also operate as an education authority. All such councils are also required to have a SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education).
In Newham, this independent body consists of councillors, teachers, faith leaders and representatives whose role is to support and give advice to the local authority, schools, teachers, parents/carers on matters that are related to collective worship and religious education in community schools. View further details of SACRE meetings on the mgov website.
The SACRE must agree a syllabus for religious education and guidelines for collective worship. This is a document which sets out what pupils aged 3 to 19 will study in their RE lessons in the schools that we maintain. Due to COVID19 pandemic the review of Newham's Agreed Syllabus for RE was started in April 2021, with the revised RE syllabus for schools being taught from September 2022. View the latest agreed Newham Religious Education Syllabus (PDF)
The SACRE must also publish an Annual Report, which outlines how the SACRE has supported the teaching and learning of RE in our Newham schools. View the Annual Report 2023 - 24 (PDF)
Collective worship Sacre guidelines for schools in Newham (PDF)
Religious Education Prayer room advice 2023 (PDF)
SACRE Briefing Paper on Ramadan (PDF)
Summary advice for schools on Ramadan (PDF)