Home education

Home education: Our responsibilities

Newham Council has a legal responsibility to establish the identities of children residing within its area who are not receiving a suitable education.  The duty applies in relation to children of compulsory school age who are not on a school roll, and who are not receiving a suitable education otherwise than at school (for example, at home, or in alternative provision). Until the council is satisfied that a home-educated child is receiving a suitable full-time education, then a child being educated at home may be identified as a “Child Missing Education”.

In Newham, we try and work in partnership with parents/carers and their children to ensure their children are receiving a suitable education. 

In practice, this usually means that we will contact parents/carers as soon as we become aware that a parent is intending to educate their child at home, known as “elective home education”. 

We will normally make contact within the first 6 weeks of a child’s education to arrange to meet with the parent/carer to discuss their reasons for home education and to establish the suitability of their education plan for their child. 

We will also make contact with the child’s previous school, together with any professionals currently working with the child or their family. 

Usually, the plan is acceptable and parents are able to deliver the education in accordance with their plan, with annual contact being made by the council to confirm that the education remains suitable. Sometimes we establish possible weaknesses in the plan, or other concerns around the parent’s ability to educate their child efficiently and suitably.  In these cases we will identify clearly what are concerns are, what action can be taken to improve the plan, and schedule visits to ensure that improvements are taking place.

Should a child continually be provided with an inefficient and unsuitable education, they will be categorised as a “Child Missing Education”.  More information on what this means can be found on our Children missing education page. 

If you are considering home educating your child, please contact the Elective Home Education team on 0203 373 3489 or email HomeEducation@newham.gov.uk.