What happens after submitting your appeal?
When you submit your appeal online, we will send you a confirmation email that includes your appeal reference number.
If this does not arrive within an hour, please email educationappeals@newham.gov.uk and let them know the problems you are having.
To see planned dates for 2025 appeal hearings see below
- Reception places at Newham infant and primary schools (PDF)
- Planned dates for Year-7 appeal hearings – 2025 entry (Word)
What happens next?
Ten working days before your hearing you will:
- Receive an email from NISAS telling you where, when and how your appeal will be heard and the names of who will be at the Zoom hearing.
- Be sent a formal statement (known as written representations) from the Admission Authority explaining why the school could not offer a place and why the school cannot admit additional children.
If the person making the appeal knows any members of the appeal panel, they must let NISAS know before the hearing starts, stating how they know them.
Your case is based on the details you have listed on your online appeal form and any other documents you have submitted that you wish the appeal panel to see to support your case such as medical evidence or letters. This is known as written representations.
The Appeal Clerk will send you an email three days before your appeal hearing. The email will give you the login details for the hearing which will take place online using Zoom.
After submitting your appeal form if you want to add any extra information or evidence that you would like to be considered at the hearing, please email details to educationappeals@newham.gov.uk.
Include your appeal reference number, your child's name, date of birth and school you are appealing for in your email.
However, when you receive the date and time of your appeal hearing from the Appeal Clerk, and you want to add any extra information or evidence for the panel to consider, you must email these details to Nisas@newham.gov.uk at least 3 working days before the hearing. Don’t forget to include your child’s details so your paperwork can be matched together.
Any information or evidence received after this time (including any that you bring on the day of the hearing), may mean that the hearing will be changed to a later date
When will my appeal be heard?
Appeal hearings are set every month during term time. However, there are deadlines when appeals are heard based on when your appeal was submitted – See details below.
The timeline stating when appeals are heard is set in law – See relevant headings below: Primary and Secondary Admissions - 2025.
If you do not hear from us by the planned dates listed on this page, please email educationappeals@newham.gov.uk for help.
In Year Admissions:
In year admissions are where a place is applied for outside of the normal entry points for example when a family arrive in Newham from overseas or elsewhere in the UK during the school year.
There is no closing date for submitting an in year appeal, as long as you have not withdrawn your application for the school.
An in year admission appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being submitted.
Normal admissions:
The normal point of entry to school is September, as part of moving from one year group to another.
- moving from primary to secondary schools
- starting a 14-19 school/college
- starting reception classes; or
- moving from infant to junior school
Secondary Admissions - 2025 entry
If you applied on time, and you would like your case to be heard in the first round of appeals, you must submit your appeal form by 28 March 2025 and your appeal will be heard within 40 days of this deadline. For late applications the deadline for submitting your appeal form is 21 school days from the date of your offer email. The panel will try to hear your appeals with the other appeals for applications we received on time. If this is not possible, your appeal will be heard within 30 school days from the deadline for making appeals (as shown on your offer email).
To see the planned dates for September 2025 appeal hearings for Year-7 places at Newham secondary schools, please click here (Word).
The online appeal application form for 2025 Year-7 or 14-19 school places will be available from 3 March 2025.
Primary and Junior Admissions - 2025 entry
If you applied on time, and you would like your case to be heard in the first round of appeals, you must submit your appeal form by 30 May 2025 and your appeal will be heard within 40 days of this deadline. For late applications the deadline for submitting your appeal form is 21 school days from the date of our offer email. The panel will try to hear your appeals with the appeals for applications we received on time. If this is not possible, we will hear it within 30 school days from the deadline for making appeals (as shown on your offer email).
To see the planned dates for September 2025 appeal hearings for Reception places at Newham infant and primary schools
The online appeal form for 2025 Reception or Junior places will be available from 16 April 2025.