Be Bin Day Ready

Be Bin Day Ready – Changes to waste and recycling collection services

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Waste and recycling collection services have changed for all residents who live in houses and houses split into flats. 

These changes were implemented to help your hardworking collection crews work in a more efficient way and to help us to increase our recycling rates. We’re committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030, making changes that will benefit all residents, the borough and the planet.

Boundary collections - you must now bring your bin to the edge of your property.

We only collect bins left at the edge of your property. Failure to present your bin may result in your bins not being collected.

Bins should be placed as close to the pavement as possible – for example next to your gate or at the end of your drive. View our best practice guide on presenting your bins.

House 1 and 2

Bins must be out before we start collections from 6am. 

Following collection, the bins will be returned to the edge of your property.

Assisted collections 

We are able to offer either a permanent or temporary Assisted Collection for residents that are unable to move their bins. This means the bins will be collected and returned by the crews.

If you are unable to move the bins due to:

  • A permanent disability
  • Physical health or mental capacity issues
  • Short term support after surgery

and there are no other residents aged 16 or over in the property that can move them, we are able to provide an assisted collection service.

Apply for an Assisted Collection

If you are unable to complete this online form please call our Contact Centre on 0208 430 2000.

New collection days

We’ve introduced new collection days. You can view your new collection day by clicking the link below.

Check your new collection day

Your green-lid bin is for household rubbish and your orange-lid bin is for recycling. They are collected weekly.

On collection days, your waste and recycling bins are scheduled to be emptied between 6am and 10pm.

No Side Waste

You must now make sure that your waste is sorted and fits into your bins. The bin lid must be shut.

Only waste that is presented inside your bins will be collected. Collection crews will not collect any bags, or any loose items placed around the bins.

Only one waste bin and recycling bin per property will be collected. View our best practice guide on presenting your bins.

These changes follow the introduction of:

Weekly Recycling collections

In December 2023, we launched weekly recycling collections to help you recycle more and put less in your household rubbish bin.

Know what you can recycle

You can now recycle more items in your bins. A guide to what items can go in your recycling bin can be found on our website.

You can put your recycling into the bin loose. Do not put black sacks into the bin as these cannot be recycled. Your recycling bin may not be collected if it contains non-recyclable items.

Any side waste or recycling left next to the bins will not be collected. All rubbish and recycling must now be placed inside your waste and recycling bins.

For more information on property specific recycling, visit: