Manor Park Community Cafe and Co-working Space

Following early engagement with local residents and as part of Newham High Street Phase 1 Report in 2019-2021, we have identified that having a more diversified offer focus on leisure, community and cultural activities for all ages were amongst the most important future aspirations for Manor Park along with a focus on key themes including; Environment & Climate, Health & Well-being, and Public Realm and Placemaking.
The concept of a community cafe, art and co-working space, was amongst one of the most voted concept in Manor Park and was supported by 49% of engagement participants and forms part of the recommendation within the Newham High Street Phase1 Report.
Currently at planning stage, the project is deemed for completion by 2025. It is anticipated to encompass a community hub, an ancillary café, and some affordable workspaces for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). When complete the building will be a hub for creative enterprise, culture, and local connections that will transform the community’s landscape.
2023: Community engagement, co-design and planning
2024: Construction works start on site
2024: Completion
For the latest update on the Manor Park Meanwhile Use project, please visit the Co- create page.