Welcome to Forest Gate

The neighbourhood public improvement projects aim to uplift existing assets along and around the high streets to increase footfall by improving people’s perceptions of the town centre’s public realm. The proposed creative public realm improvements aim to bring a sense of identity to Forest Gate by making the area welcoming to the town centre, safer and cleaner. The project aims to address recommendations in Newham High Streets Strategy: ‘Welcome to Forest Gate’, and ‘Forest Gate Youth Zone Public Realm’. The concept design proposal for the project are being developed through a community co-design process and re-landscaping of the public realm
Providing opportunities for the Youth Zone and wider community to use the space (e.g. layout of paving, trees and street furniture to enable possibilities for street dance, art & craft fairs, mini-fests etc.)
Creating a brighter more welcoming area (e.g. use of lighting in the square and under the bridge etc)
Supporting a clean and green environment
Re-configuring street furniture arrangements (e.g. create a secure, durable and attractive seating area, consider repaint/relocate/replace the bike racks and railings outside the Youth Zone etc.)
Improving pavement surface condition and consider extent (e.g. ensuring even and level surfaces, consider de-paving, consider area of pedestrian priority under bridge when vehicles enter youth zone etc.)
2023: Community engagement, co-design and planning
2024: Installation
For the latest update on the project, please visit the co- create page.