Smoking ban

Advice and guidance for those who manage workplaces on implementing and enforcing the smoking ban.

Smoking at work

If you manage a smoke-free building you must, by law, stop people from smoking inside that building.

You must not have staff smoking rooms and indoor smoking areas. Anyone who wants to smoke must go outside.

Smoking in vehicles

Public transport and work vehicles used by more than one person must always be smoke-free.

If you manage vehicles you must, by law, stop people from smoking in those vehicles.

No-smoking signs

You must display no-smoking signs in all smoke-free buildings and vehicles.

Smoking shelters

If you own or manage a building and you want a smoking shelter outside it, you will normally need to apply for planning permission.

Planning applications of this type normally take up to eight weeks to consider. So, you will need to send your application as soon as possible to allow time for a decision and for the shelter to be built. We will not give you planning permission automatically, so be prepared for this delay to your business plans.

Smoking shelters must not be too enclosed, or they themselves will come under the smoking ban. So, make sure you take legal advice or contact us by email or on 020 3373 7709 to find out what types of shelter are suitable.

To apply for planning permission, go directly to the Planning Portal website where you will find the forms, you need and guidance on making a planning application.

What happens if you break the smoking ban

You will break the law if you:

  • Smoke in a smoke-free place

  • Do not show the correct no-smoking signs
  • Do not stop others smoking in a smoke-free place.

If we see you breaking the law, we can:

  • Give you a verbal warning and offer to help you keep to the law
  • Give you a written warning
  • Send you a fixed penalty notice or – if you do not stop others smoking in a smoke-free place – start legal action.

More information on smoke-free living and working

Find more information about the smoking ban and staying smoke-free:

Related pages to smoking