Register a food business

All food businesses in Newham must register with us so we can check that your business comes up to standard. Find out how to register.

If you wish to run a food business in Newham, you must register it with us at least 28 days before starting the business. All food businesses have to register.

If you are a home caterer or preparing food from home please contact the Food Team on 020 3373 7709 before you register.

If your business is food manufacture, such as meat or fish products, for example, then you must contact us to register. You have to do this, so we can check that your business comes up to standard.

How to register

Registration is free. Complete our online food business establishment registration form.

Register a food business

If you have any problems completing the form, please call us on 020 8430 2000.

If you take over an existing food business, you must complete a new registration form to register your business with us.

Public register of food businesses

When you register, details of your business will be held on our public register. Note that only your business details will be available to the public, your personal details stay private.

Food businesses which do not have to register

You do not need to register if food is being handled at a one-off event such as coffee morning or charity function.

Food Safety Team

Address: East Ham Town Hall
328 Barking Road
East Ham
E6 2RT

Telephone: 020 3373 7709

Related page on starting a food business