Asbestos in the home

How to dispose of asbestos 

Do not put asbestos into domestic dustbins or in the household waste sections of household waste sites. Asbestos is hazardous waste. You can only throw it away at certain waste sites. In Newham, the nearest site is: 
Jenkins Lane Re-use and Recycling Centre
Jenkins Lane 

Telephone: 0800 389 9918. 

Jenkins Lane Re-use and Recycling Centre 

The centre takes asbestos that is damped down and double bagged (preferably in strong polythene sheeting). But you will need to phone before you visit the site to make sure there is enough space to store your waste on site. Some materials have a higher risk of releasing fibres and you must use a licensed asbestos contractor. Materials include asbestos pipe insulation; and asbestos insulation board. 
If you can’t take the asbestos panels safely to a licensed waste site yourself, the Corporation of London runs a waste collection service for small amounts of wrapped waste (up to 11.5 square metres). The service may collect larger amounts, but there is a charge. It operates on weekdays, and you can leave message on 020 7332 3433.

Contact the Asbestos Audit Team

Contact us by email: or phone 020 3373 9883 or 9884.