Air quality in Newham

Air Aware, Transforming Air Quality Awareness

The boroughs of Newham, Hackney and Tower Hamlets have launched an online tool, known as Air Aware, to enable residents to check live air pollution levels in the area:

Air Aware (

How does it work?

Air Aware, shows live particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide levels, helping people to make informed choices about their exposure to air quality.

It also features a chat function that can provide verified advice in direct response to questions that users ask, which can help people better protect themselves from the impact of air pollution.

Each borough has been working with local residents over the past six months to design and create a tool with information that residents want on air quality.

Air Aware uses a web-based platform so that it can be viewed on a mobile device, laptop or computer. The councils have worked with a developer and local residents to design a tool that is accessible to all including features such as translation and text to speak.

Publically accessible air quality Information

To help reach a wide audience, publicly accessible Air Aware screens will soon be installed at all Newham Libraries.

Please visit this page to find location and opening times for your nearest library Newham library services.

Personally tailored air quality information

Air Aware brings together information from across the participating boroughs into one place to keep residents informed about local initiatives and campaigns in which they can get involved. Users can also register for a more personalised experience so that they can receive information more tailored to their locality and their interests.

Air Quality Awareness Resources for Community Engagement Events and Workshops

Clean Air Champions were offered the chance to work with a professional organisation to help create campaign materials and designs on the air quality topics that matter to them. 

Several workshops took place to allow the Champions to shape the content and design of the materials which can be used at future events to engage with communities. Based on the workshop discussions and the outcome of the votes, the following resources were designed and have been made available to the Champions and everyone to use within their communities and at future community and engagement events:

My Travel Journal, aimed at children and young people, was commissioned by the Council in collaboration with the local artist Somang Lee. Somang illustrated the journal, which we hope shows the importance of protecting our local environment and green spaces, addressing climate change, and tackling issues related to air pollution.

Most importantly, this journal teaches children mindfulness and empowers them to connect with and protect our natural environment. It guides them to notice things around them and understand how small everyday actions can make a significant difference in the future.

The journal can be used by parents, carers, and teachers. Please click on the link below to download and print it.