London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC)

On 1 December 2024, planning powers returned from the LLDC to the London Borough of Newham. 

Newham will now determine all planning applications and applications for related consents. The LLDC Local Plan and Supplementary Planning Guidance will still apply to the area once covered by the LLDC until the new Newham Local Plan replaces them.

The area that the LLDC covered can be viewed on the adopted policies map

LLDC Local Plan

The Local Plan together with the London Plan 2021 form the Development Plan for the Legacy Corporation Area.

The LLDC Local Plan 2020 – 2036 and its accompanying Policies Map, together with the Local Plan Adoption Statement and other associated documents, can be viewed and/or downloaded using the following links:

Adopted LLDC supplementary planning guidance

The supplementary planning guidance was prepared by the LLDC and provide guidance on the implementation of policies within the LLDC Local Plan in specific areas. These documents are considered to be material considerations.

Pudding Mill SPD

The Pudding Mill SPD was adopted by the LLDC on 31 March 2017.

This SPD provides additional guidance on development within the area of the Local Plan Pudding Mill Site Allocation (SA4.3).

Carbon Offset Solutions SPD

The Carbon Offset Solutions SPD was adopted by the LLDC on 7 October 2022.

This SPD provides guidance on the LLDC’s carbon offset price for development schemes that Local Plan and London Policy required to pay in order to reach the net zero carbon target.

It also sets out the mechanism for applying the money paid into the LLDC Carbon Offset Fund.

In early 2020 the Mayor of London declared a climate emergency, setting a target for London to be net zero-carbon by 2030. To meet the 2030 target, the SPD aims to promote on-site carbon reduction. It should only use the carbon offset fund as a last resort.

Planning Obligations SPD

The Planning Obligations SPD was adopted by the LLDC on 7 October 2022.

This SPD provides guidance on the relationship between planning obligations (Section 106 Agreements) and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). It also provides guidance on key matters where planning obligations might be sought.

This is a material consideration for developments that are within the London Legacy Development Corporation Area.

Night-time Economy SPD

The Night-time Economy SPD was adopted by the LLDC on 20 July 2021.

This SPD provides guidance on policies within the LLDC Local Plan relating to cultural and night time economy uses.

Creating places that work for Women and Girls Handbook

The guidance was published by the LLDC on 11th July 2024. The Handbook provides practical steps that urban planners, architects, developers and other stakeholders can take to ensure a gender-informed approach is applied in the planning, design and decision-making process related to public spaces.

Sugar House Lane Conservation Area

Three Mills Conservation Area

LLDC annual monitoring reports

The annual monitoring report, prepared by the LLDC provides an assessment of their policy performance.

The draft unaudited Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year 2023/24 is available to view and download:

Reports from previous years can be viewed and/or downloaded

LLDC Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

The LLDC Statement of Community Involvement (2017) can be viewed here. (PDF)