Local land charges and searches

Local land charges personal search

Local Land Charges search

A personal search is free of charge and can be made by anyone. However it is only a search of the local land charges register, public register and our data records. We are unable to validate any information found during a personal search, or to discuss this information with you.

How to complete a personal search

There are two steps to a personal search.

Local land charges search (Form LLC1)

To carry out a personal search of the local land charges register, email the address of the property or land to be searched to the Local Land Charges Team.

You must provide 24 hours’ notice. We will complete the search and return the results of the LLC1 schedule within one to three working days. 

Local authority search (Form CON29)

For a local authority search, you must complete form CON29. The form is split into two sections. Complete all sections in part one (CON29R).

A new version of Form CON29 was published on 4 July 2016. You can order or download the form from the Oyes Stationers website.

or by phone on: 0870 737 7370.

How to complete the form

Our Schedule of Information (PDF) will direct you to where you can find the information to complete the form.

Use the button below to find out about road, railway and traffic schemes affecting the property and land, including controlled parking zones.  This map uses information from our Highways team, which is updated from time-to-time. Should you have any questions in relation to public highways or the status of a street please contact highwaysearches@newham.gov.uk.

View Personal Search Highways Map

Contact Land Charges and Local Searches

Monday to Friday

Telephone: 0203 373 0996