Parking enforcement and penalties

To help keep streets in Newham safe for all residents and visitors, we have an established system for parking enforcement, this includes yellow lines, resident parking zones and controlled parking areas.

Report a Vehicle Parked in Contravention

The Parking Enforcement Service’s Operational times are Monday to Sunday: 08:00 – 20:30.   

Phone the Parking Enforcement Line on 020 3373 0660 or email

If a vehicle is parked in contravention or parked dangerously our parking enforcement officers can issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and can remove your vehicle to the Newham Vehicle Pound.

Yellow lines 

You can park on single yellow lines outside of the controlled parking hours in a RPZ, unless there is a standalone sign stating specific restrictions.  

The signs governing single yellow lines are not always nearby. Inside a Controlled Zone, the information may be on Controlled Zone signs instead. Controlled Zone signs are like border-crossing signs: you will have passed one as you entered the zone.  

Single yellow lines are placed at the sides of roads to prevent motorists parking in particular areas to aid in preventing traffic congestion at certain times of the day or days of the week. 

You can’t park on double yellow lines at any time, they are enforced 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, including Sundays. 

Dropped footways 

You can’t park in front of a dropped footway. Dropped kerbs are implemented to assist pedestrians, wheel chair users and people with buggies to cross the road, they also allows vehicles to enter or leave the road across the footway or verge, hence they should always remain clear of obstruction. 

You can’t mount the kerb and drive on the footway to get to a stationary position, irrespective of actual ownership (and any responsibility for maintaining surfaces). 

There are two types of dropped footways:

  • Pedestrian - to make it easier for pedestrians to cross a road or street

  • Vehicle crossover - to allow access to an off-street parking space such as a drive or garage

Dropped kerb parking 

You can’t park in front of a dropped footway and cannot cross a footway without a dropped kerb, even on private land. 

Enforcement actions we can take 

If you are parked in any of the areas mentioned above, without the relevant permit or dispensation, our parking enforcement officers can issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and in some cases can remove your vehicle to the Newham Vehicle Pound.

Penalty Charge Notice Enquiries

If you have received a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and have an enquiry, please click the below link to complete a PCN enquiry form.

Please be advised that this form is not part of the statutory appeals process and will not be considered as a challenge or formal representation.

If you would like to make a challenge or formal representation, please do not use this enquiry form but go to section 4. View and appeal a penalty charge notice.

PCN Enquiry Form