Parking bay suspensions

If you wish to clear or reserve an on street parking bay within one of our residential parking zones, you will need to apply for a suspension. 

To request to park on a yellow line (parking dispensation) visit our waiting and loading on yellow lines page.​

When do we suspend parking bays?

We may consider suspending an on street parking bay within a residential parking zone for the following reasons:

  • Weddings
  • Funerals  
  • Business or domestic removals 
  • Building works 
  • Public safety
  • Maintenance and repairs to the highway 
  • Maintenance and repairs to services (gas, water, electric, telecoms etc.) buried within the highway 
  • Filming
  • Tree works 

The suspension of on street parking bays will be subject to an administration fee and a daily charge.

Please note that disabled parking bays will only be suspended if it is absolutely necessary or if emergency maintenance works need to be undertaken.

Suspension of parking spaces in car parks

Parking spaces in our car parks can be suspended for reasons such as building works, maintenance or filming.

Our charge includes the fee to usually park in the car park, plus an administration fee.

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