Newham Council changes to Parking Fees and Charges, from 8 August 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the cost of my parking permits, visitor permits and paid for parking session increasing? 
Following a review of the council’s budget, the council is changing paid for parking prices and all parking permit prices, except Disabled permit charges, in Newham from 8th August 2023. These changes will support Newham’s air quality action plan to improve air quality and will make the system simpler and more consistent whilst maintaining Newham’s commitment to its disabled residents. The changes are aimed at offering motorists a greater choice of parking and payment options, making tariffs and permit schemes more consistent.

Through the Fairer Newham strategy, the Council aims to balance providing convenient and value-for-money parking for Residents and Visitors whilst managing parking demand during peak times and reducing the environmental impact of traffic and harmful gases in line with the Mayors Air Quality Action Plan. There will be no change to the current Disabled Resident permit, which will remain free of charge

The changes support our continuing efforts to tackle the climate emergency by reducing emissions and encouraging the use of sustainable transport alternatives in line with the Mayor’s Air Quality Action Plan.

Why am I being charged for a 1st Resident Permit for my electric vehicle? 
Electric vehicles continue to receive the cheapest residential parking permits, and this recognises that they produce less air pollution. However, parking demand in Newham is very high, and as such, the nominal fee being charged by the Council is considered to be a reasonable annual charge for a parking space taken up by an electric vehicle.

The £33.00 charge per annum equates to just 63p per week or 10.5p per day based on a 6-day per week RPZ and, therefore, still offers heavily subsidised parking for residents with low CO2 emitting vehicles. The Council considers that this subsidy remains an ongoing incentive to encourage our residents to move to a greener, sustainable mode of transport.

Why can I no longer purchase a 3 or 6-month permit? 
Whilst the Council have removed the 3 and 6 month permit options, they have replaced it with a 1-month option which the Council considers will continue to offer residents and businesses more than adequate flexibility when purchasing or renewing their permit and provide an option for short-term permits.

Will my one-month permit automatically renew?

You can auto-renew your monthly permit for 11 months; however, on the 12th month, you will have to renew manually and provide up-to-date documentation to renew your permit. Please visit to view the full list of documents you can upload.

If you choose the auto-renew option then it is your responsibility, as the permit holder to ensure that the parking permit has renewed. If the auto-renewal fails for a number of reasons including but not limited to the payment method being declined, then you as the the permit holder will be solely responsible for ensuring that they have made other arrangements to renew their permit. The council does not take any liability for the permit not auto-renewing or notifying the applicant that the permit auto renew has failed.

Why is there an additional Tier for business/charity/industrial permits?The Council have realigned business, charity and industrial emissions bandings to fall within the same tiering structure we use for our resident bandings. This is to ensure that vehicles are grouped using a standard tiering structure. The new five-tier system will help make the pricing structure fairer and ensure that the council is adapting to the huge change in the range of vehicles being used.

Why is the cost of a tier 1 business permit significantly higher than last year?The Council considers that a tier 1 business permit charge is still heavily subsidised compared to the other business permit tiers, and this permit continues to allow the vehicle to park in in any resident or shared use bay within all Newham RPZs. A shared use bay is where a permit and paid parking session are both valid.  A £330 charge for a tier 1 business permit equates to just £1.06p per day, based on a 6-day RPZ and therefore still offers heavily subsidised parking for businesses with low CO2 emitting vehicles. The Council considers that this subsidy remains an ongoing incentive to encourage businesses to move to greener & sustainable modes of transport. While electric vehicles are better for the environment, they do cause some pollution.

Why have Paid for Parking sessions moved to emission-based charging? Parking fees and charges linked to emissions play an important role in influencing driver behaviour and can positively impact air quality and congestion, supporting the Mayor’s Air Quality Action Plan.
The new charging structure from 8th August 2023 is more consistent and is now aligned to resident, visitor and business permit types which are now all subject to emission-based charging.

Why are my visitor permits linked to emissions?
Since January 2021, resident and business permit charges have been linked to vehicle emissions but to date this has not applied to visitor permits.

Therefore, to create fairness between residents and visitors, emissions charges will now be applied to visitors permits in the same way. As with resident and business permit charges, the lower the emissions of the visitor’s vehicle the lower the emission charge. The Council believes this will incentivise visiting motorists to make more environmentally friendly transport choices.

How many visitor permits am I allowed every month?
Currently, residents are allowed to purchase 20 visitor permits per month.  From 08th August 2023 this will change to 240 visitor permits per annum. The allowance will renew every calendar year. For example, if you register your account on 08th August 2023, your allowance of 240 permits will renew the following year on 08th August 2024.  This will be subject to uploading the applicable documentation

Once the annual allocation has been used, further visitor permits cannot be applied for until the renewal date has been reached. This process has been explained above.

How do I register and apply for my 240 per annum visitor permits?
In order to purchase the new emissions-based visitor permits, residents will be required to log in to their Mipermit account and click on buy digital permits, selecting the visitor permit option and following the required steps will allow the resident to gain access to the 240 permits allocated to their residential address, at this stage residents will be required to upload a proof of address. Once the registration has been completed, residents will be able to access the emissions-based visitor permits.

Can I purchase additional permits once I have reached my allowance?No unfortunately, residents are not allowed to use more than 240 visitor permits in a calendar year. Visitors can use PayByPhone to purchase a paid parking session for up to 4 hours depending on the zone they are parking in. Alternatively, visitors are encouraged to use greener methods of transport.

What changes are being made to visitor’s permits?
From 8th August 2023 we will be changing how residents purchase visitor permits, rather than residents being able to purchase 20 permits per month in blocks of 6 Hour, 12 hour and 24-hour permits. We will now provide residents with an allocation of 240 permits per household per annum once your account is registered.

Residents will still be able to purchase visitor permits for the existing hourly durations as set out above. However, these will now be sold as individual permits, and an additional emissions charge will be added with this charge being based on the C02 emissions that the visitor’s vehicle produces. The vehicles will be tiered as per the grouping on our website

The 240 permit allowance limit covers all visitor permit types for example, you could purchase 140 x 6hr permits, 50 x 12hr permits & 50 x 24hr permits within the 12month period or any variation that the resident chooses up to the maximum 240 allowed within the 12month period.

What will happen to the existing visitor permits that I have purchased?
The Council will honour existing visitor permits and allow for them to be used until 31/03/2024 at this point, the permit will expire, and residents will be required to use the emissions-based resident permits. Anyone who has purchased visitor permit sessions before 8th August will be able to use those sessions until 31/03/2024, at which point they will expire.

I don’t have a vehicle; why am I no longer receiving 30 free visitor permits annually
The Council needs to act now to protect our health and our climate by reducing emissions from road transport. From 8th August 2023, all visitor permits will be linked to emissions, and to ensure fairness for all residents, this policy change needs to be applied to all residential households. Linking each visitor permit to an emissions charge is in line with the Mayor’s Air Quality Action plan to reduce vehicle journeys within Newham.

The higher the CO2 emissions of the visitor’s vehicle the higher the charge, and the Council considers this will be an incentive to deter vehicles with high emissions entering the borough or, in turn, incentivise visitors to move to greener modes of transport. Charging is seen as a clear means of deterring high-emission vehicles and as such and to ensure all residents are treated with fairness and consistency, the Council has agreed that the current free visitor permits will be removed from 8th August 2023

From 8th August 2023, an emission charge will apply to all resident visitor permits. Removing free permits will mean that a consistent approach is applied to all motorists visiting residents in Newham, who will need to be liable for an emissions charge linked to their vehicle.

By removing free visitor permits, the Council hopes to encourage sustainable alternatives for visitors to the borough, such as public transport, cycling and walking, and incentivise remaining motor vehicle use by vehicles that emit less carbon in line with the Mayor’s Air Quality Action Plan.

Road transport is a major source of harmful air pollution in Newham which is dangerous to us all, especially the young, old and people with health conditions like asthma.

Why has the cost of bay suspension charges & trade permit charges increased? 
Following a review of the Council’s parking fees and charges, a new charging structure for permits, bay suspension charges & trade permits has been agreed. This is to ensure that whilst the Council experience rising costs due to the cost of living crisis and its impact on the economy, it can continue to meet the high cost of managing and maintaining our roads and designated parking spaces which in turn allows the Council to be still able to provide residents and motorists with the same level service currently available to them.

Please click on the link below for more information:
- Trade permits
- Bay suspensions

Why am I being asked to provide my council tax reference? 
As part of the Council’s permit validation process, residents will be asked to provide their Council Tax Reference Number and businesses will need to provide their Business Rates Number to ensure that the applicant is eligible to apply for a permit at the chosen address.

Parking Permit FAQS (Policies)

What are emissions based parking permits?
From January 2021 the Council introduced permit charging linked to a vehicles CO2 Emissions. The lower a vehicles CO2 emissions the lower the emission based charging will be. A vehicles CO2 emissions can be found on the vehicles DVLA V5C document ( log book) If a vehicles V5C does not state the vehicles CO2 emissions permit charges will be based on the vehicles engine size.

What are the fees for permits?
You can find a handy table of fees on our emissions based charging webpage.

Can I pay for my permit in instalments?
No, however residents, businesses and industrial permit holders have the ability to purchase permits for less than a 12 month period allowing them to spread the cost of parking permits through a 12 month period. Residents have the ability to purchase 1 month or 12 month permits.

How do I know what tier my vehicle falls into?
If you are unsure which emissions charging tier your vehicle falls in please refer to the vehicle log book (VQ5) which will contain the CO2 information. Once you have this please go to the following website: which will tell you which charge will apply to your vehicle.  

Why are the permits based on CO2 emissions?
The CO2 emissions vehicle bands are based on DVLA groupings.

While CO2 (a greenhouse gas) is a major contributing factor to climate change, in reality, cars emit a potent cocktail of exhaust gases, many of which have harmful effects.

Others include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide (SO2), benzene (C6H6), other hydrocarbons (HC) and particulates.

So although CO2 emissions aren’t the only factor in our poor air quality, the DVLA groupings are widely understood and easy to understand.

I have a Transport for London (TfL) certificate of exemption, do I need a Newham permit?
If you live in Newham and wish to park in a resident parking zone you will require a Newham permit.

A TfL exemption certificate only applies to the Congestion Zone, the Low Emissions Zone and the Ultra-Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ), which are schemes run by TfL.

Being exempt from a TfL scheme does not give you automatic exemption from the Newham emissions based charging scheme.

For Newham permits the emissions permit charge is linked to your vehicle's CO2 emissions banding or, if that is not available, your vehicle engine size.

What is the ULEZ charge?
The ULEZ charge is the Ultra-Low Emission Zone charge that Transport for London introduced in October, 2021 and that is administered by TfL.

Four out of five cars already meet the ULEZ emissions standards, but TfL is encouraging owners of older polluting cars, motorcycles, lighter vans and minibuses to take action.

You can find out more about the ULEZ on the TfL website.

What’s the difference between ULEZ and emissions based permits?
The ULEZ does not target all harmful vehicle emissions and is based on NOx only. While NOx has a major health impact, ULEZ takes no real account of CO2 or particulate matter emissions. This means the ULEZ on its own will not deliver the step change in air quality that Newham requires if we are to address our public health challenges.

The current ULEZ zone has impacted older HGVs and coaches, but it has had limited impact on the make-up of private vehicles, with the vast majority of private vehicles unaffected by the charge.

The CO2 emissions vehicle permit bands are based on DVLA groupings, which are widely understood and easy to understand.

What about residents who park on their driveway?
The Council only has remit to manage the public highway. Emissions based permits are not necessary for those who solely park on their private driveways and who do not park on the road outside their property. During the hours that a Resident Parking Zone (RPZ) operates any vehicle parked on the public highway without a valid permit will be subject to enforcement. 

Will emissions based permits apply to disabled resident parking permits?
In Newham, Blue Badge holders can apply for a disabled residents parking bay and if that is approved they then have the ability to apply for a free disabled residents parking permit which is not linked to emissions. Blue badge holders are also able to park for free in any residents parking bay or shared use bay within any Newham RPZ. A shared use bay is a bay where a permit and paid for parking are both valid

What incentives are you offering people who move to greener vehicles?
The lower a vehicles CO2 emissions the lower the permit charge. The Council considers that this policy of linking permit charges to emissions will provide a financial incentive for vehicle owners to move to lower emission vehicles which is in line with the aims of the Mayors Air Quality Action Plan and in turn will improve air quality in Newham. Within Newham there are also excellent greener public transport alternatives and excellent cycling initiatives in place.


Parking Permit FAQS (Policies)


My resident permit is due to expire; will I be sent one automatically?
No, all permits are now virtual so you will be sent either a text or email reminder 4 weeks before renewal. You will need to apply for a new permit and also resubmit your documents.

I own a house but I’m currently renting it out, can I get a resident permit?
Resident’s permits are only issued to residents of the household despite any legal interest that you may have in the property. Refer to point 3.1a of the Permit Terms and Conditions.

What documents do I need to provide for a resident’s parking permit?
Please refer to the following resident parking permit webpage for more information on what documentation is required and how to apply for a virtual permit. 

Can I park in different Resident Parking Zone with my resident permit?
A resident permit is only valid for the zone for which it has been issued. However, the Council does operate a scheme where households with resident permits can apply for a free 2hr per month parking allocation for other zones and more information on this can be found at

My car has been involved in an accident or in the garage for a service and I have a courtesy car can a get a courtesy car permit.
Permits are issued to courtesy cars for the duration of two weeks at a charge of £5.50.  A hire agreement or written confirmation from your insurance company on official headed stationery needs to be provided. If the vehicle is on long term lease then the lease agreement will need to be supplied in place of the vehicle registration document and in this case a resident’s permit will be issued. Further information available on the internet at the following link

I am going on Holiday can I renew my permit beforehand?
Virtual resident permits can be renewed online up to 6 weeks before the expiry date. 

I have borrowed a car can I purchase a resident permit?
No, the vehicle must be registered to you at your Newham residential address. 

I have moved address; can I use my existing permit?
No, you should call Mipermit customer services on 0345 520 7007 (Mon – Fri 8am – 6m) who will provide information on the process of changing your permit to your new address. If you have moved out of the borough you should cancel your permit.  

I no longer require my permit, how do I get a refund?
In the event that the permit is no longer required you can cancel the permit online and a refund will be generated for any full months remaining, minus a £5.00 admin fee. For clarification a refund will only be made for any full months which remain on the permit

Can I exchange the second or subsequent permits to the first permit if the vehicle is sold on the first permit and apply for a refund? 
Permits cannot be exchanged. However if a 1st resident permit is no longer required you may cancel the 1st resident permit on your account and will receive any applicable refund due for the time remaining. This will open up a slot for a 1st resident permit. If you also hold a 2nd resident permit, you may cancel this permit through your account, again you will receive any refund that is applicable to the time remaining and then re-apply for a 1st resident permit. This process also applies to any additional permits, for example if you cancel your 2nd resident permit this will open up a slot for you to cancel subsequent permits and re-apply under the 2nd resident permit.

I have changed my vehicle, how do I exchange my permit?
As the permit is virtual you will need to cancel your permit online (via MiPermit account) then you can apply for a permit for the new Vehicle.

I no longer have the vehicle. 

In the event of the following scenario’s;

Vehicle involved in accident and written off/collected by insurance company 

Vehicle scrapped by Newham Council or privately 

You can cancel your permit via your MiPermit account and you will be refunded for any full months remaining and minus a £5.00 admin fee

I have a foreign vehicle that will take a while for me to transfer to my Newham address what are my options? 
You will need to email your vehicle documents to then call the MiPermit support team on 0345 520 7007 (Mon – Fri 8am – 6pm) who will explain the process for obtaining a permit for a foreign registered vehicle. Permits for such vehicles are only issued for a maximum of 6months which is considered more than adequate time for the vehicle to be registered with the DVLA. 

I am named as a second driver on my mum’s car insurance who does not live at my address, can I have a permit?
No, the vehicle must be registered to you with the DVLA at your home address to be eligible for a resident parking permit.

I am a disabled resident, I have a bay and my carer needs a permit.
If the disabled resident’s bay has been installed at your request then you should make an application for a free Disabled Residents Permit by accessing the web link below. Information on how to apply for a carers permit can also be found at the second web link listed 

I am a resident, and I have carers that come around twice a day, can they have a permit?

For information on who qualifies for a carers and how to apply, please visit the following website. 

I have more than one carer who visits on a daily basis, can application be made for more than one carers permit. 

A maximum of 1 carers parking permit can be issued to each qualifying resident who lives within that address. However, to clarify each qualifying resident is only eligible for a maximum of 1 carers permit in their name 

The other options available are;

Make use of resident visitor parking permits that are available to the resident.

Make use of the paid for parking facilities in the nearest council car park.

Make use of any paid for parking bays which may be close to your address

I change vehicles frequently due to my job, can I get a permit that is transferable between vehicles.
The council do not issue transferable permits.  Each time you change your vehicle you will need to cancel your current permit and apply for a new permit for the new vehicle.

Can I apply for a business parking permit for a business run from a residential address?
No, to qualify for a business parking permit or a charitable business parking permit, the address from which the permit is being applied must be non–residential. To clarify, applications from residential addresses will not qualify for a business permit. 

I live in shared accommodation (B&B, hostel), is each resident entitled to the first parking permit?
Where a property is subdivided into self-contained living units (flats), each unit may have a resident’s permit at a rate for the ‘first’ permit. Verification of multiple occupancies must be determined by one of the following: -Council tax demand indicating flat number

If the property is not sub divided into self-contained flats then the next subsequent permit has to be purchased if the first permit has already been taken by the other resident. Please see point 2 of the resident permit terms and conditions.


I would like some bays to be suspended, what do I need to do?
Please visit the following link to apply for a bay suspension 

How do I get a parking Dispensation?
A request needs to be made in writing stating the location where the dispensation is required for, the dates/times, the reason for the request and details of the vehicles that will be used and can be sent in by post, email or by fax to:
Fax number: 020 8430 1433, email: Postal address: London Borough of Newham, Suspensions and Dispensations, PO Box 62484, London, E16 9AU. 
A response will be sent by parking processing. 

I am a builder and I need to carry out some work on a property in a CPZ, can I get a permit for the next couple of months?
A trade permit will need to be applied for by the resident or business you are working for.  Please see link below for further information

I work as a career in Newham what kind of permit can I get? 
You may be eligible for a Staff Business parking permit if your employer is Newham Council. Alternatively the person you are caring for, or someone on their behalf, can apply for a ‘Carer’s Permit’ with details on the qualification criteria and how to apply being set out at the following website:

I work at a school and I need a permit to park. 
Most schools are now eligible for Business Parking Permits which is available on MiPermit Newham.

My business is not registered at an RPZ address in Newham, can I still apply for a business permit as I visit addresses in Newham.
If your business is not registered to an address in an RPZ in Newham then you cannot apply for a Business Parking permit. The following options are also available to you;

Make use of the paid for parking facilities in the nearest council car park.

Make use of any paid for parking bays which may be close to your address

I live in a car free development, what does that mean and what are my options?
The Council and the Developer of the car free development have agreed that additional parking within the Residents Parking Zone (RPZ) by owners and occupiers of the car free address would have a detrimental impact on the locality by increasing the demand for on street parking and as such applications are prohibited for residential permits and at some commercial addresses, also business permits. The following information can be found on all relevant web pages: 

Residents in car-free developments are not eligible for a resident parking permit. Residents at these locations can however purchase visitor parking permits.