Parking enforcement and penalties

Penalty charge notices and how to pay

You can pay for your penalty charge notice online, by phone or by post. Once a payment has been made, your case is closed and you cannot make an appeal.  

When you pay online you can also look at images of your parking contravention. However if you wish to download the images you must do so before you pay your PCN. The images will not be available online after you have made your payment. 

You can find out more information about penalty charge notices, type PCNs, challenging a PCN, paying a PCN and further enforcement notices on the information about PCNs webpage.

Pay online 

You will need: 

  • The PCN number 
  • Your vehicle registration number 
  • A valid credit or debit card. 

We do not set the charges for penalty charges notices (PCN). They are set by London Councils. 

Pay a PCN 

Pay by phone 

You can call the automated payment line on 020 8430 2000 and pay with either a debit or credit card. 

Pay by post 

You can pay by cheque, postal order or bankers draft payable to ‘London Borough of Newham’. Please write the PCN number and your vehicle registration on the back of the cheque, postal order or banks draft to help us process your payment for the correct PCN. 

Please do not send cash in post.  

If your cheque ‘bounces’ you PCN will remain unpaid and you pay have to pay the higher amount. 

Send your payment to: 

L B Newham Parking Correspondence 
PO Box 71575 
E6 9LY 

PayPoint Outlet or Post Office

Payment can be made by cash, credit or debit card by producing the barcode printed at the front of this notice at a Post Office counter or a PayPoint outlet.

Payment amount

The charges for penalty charges notices (PCN) are set by a London-wide group called London Councils.

You can reduce the cost of your PCN if you pay within 14 days. 

You can get a PCN for three types of offence and the charge is different for each:


There is a penalty charge of £130 for a serious parking offence and £80 for a less serious offence reduced to £65 and £40 respectively if you pay:

  • Within 14 days (if a parking warden issued the notice)
  • Within 21 days (if a CCTV camera operator issued the notice).

Bus lane

There is a penalty charge of £130, reduced to £65 if you pay within 14 days.

Moving traffic

There is a penalty charge of £130, reduced to £65 if you pay within 14 days.

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