National HIV Testing Week

National hiv week

National HIV Testing week is taking place this week, from Monday 7 February until Sunday 12 February and aims to raise awareness of the importance of regular HIV testing amongst those most at risk.

HIV can affect anyone, with government figures* showing that 2,955 people were newly diagnosed with the virus in the UK in 2021. This makes it vital that more is done both to tackle the stigma that surrounds HIV while helping people better understand how to avoid risk and prevent infections. Key to this is regular testing which is very easy, and requires only a small finger prick for instant results. Early HIV detection improves the chances of effective treatment and ensures people can live long, happy and fulfilling lives without any symptoms.

To help residents, we are working with Positive East on their ‘I Test – Take your HIV Test’ campaign to bring effective HIV prevention to east London and contribute to the goal of the UK having zero new HIV infections by 2030. 

Positive East's Head of Prevention & Testing, Peter Bampton said:

'Testing is the only way to know your HIV status. Whether it's your first test or you're testing frequently, you'll be supported with information and advice on the ways to prevent or treat HIV, and tips on how to explore the sex you want to be having.

“Our testing service is fast, free, confidential and only requires a finger-prick of blood. We test from lots of different community venues across East London including libraries, bars and clubs, community centres and from our mobile testing van. We also offer testing in the evening and weekends so testing can work around your work and social life too’.

Cllr Neil Wilson, Newham Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said:

“Having an HIV test is simple, quick and pain-free. This HIV Testing Week, take the opportunity to get yourself tested and tell others who may also need a test where they can get one. There’s no shame in getting tested - help us break through the stigma and get more people checked.”

As part of the campaign, Positive East will be offering free HIV testing on Friday 10th February at 4-7pm at Vicarage Lane Surgery, 10 Vicarage Lane, London E15 4ES. For further information or to book an appointment contact visit HIV and AIDS – Newham Council or        

*HIV testing, PrEP, new HIV diagnoses, and care outcomes for people accessing HIV services: 2022 report - GOV.UK (

Published: 09 Feb 2023