Newham Council to encourage foster families with Council Tax Exemption


Boosting Numbers of local carers

Newham Council has announced it wants to encourage more local foster families to come forward to care for children in the borough, by offering an exemption from Council Tax.

The policy change was brought forward in a paper presented to Cabinet (6 December 2022.)

It is hoped the policy change could boost the number of foster care households by 25 over 3 years (including replacing 11 carers who are expected to retire during the same period.)

Councillor Sarah Ruiz, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services said: “Nationally there is a shortage of foster carers. Newham needs to develop and invest in its own in-house provision to increase local places and allow a greater number of children in care to maintain links with their local networks, family, friends and communities.

“Stable foster placements are known to provide the best experience for children in care. Making our in-house service offer more attractive to carers will help give children better outcomes. Improving support for foster carers, will help them to care for children with differing and more complex needs.”

The Council Tax exemption will be offered to existing and future foster households. Carers who receive placements of Newham children but live in other boroughs, will be offered a Council Tax rebate, funded by Newham.

It is expected by boosting the number of in-house Newham foster carers, the Council’s reliance on the expensive external Independent Fostering Agencies (IFAs) will be reduced, leading to an efficiency saving of over £0:442m.

Cllr Ruiz said: “This new scheme will support a commitment this administration made to put the child’s welfare and rights at the heart of what we do. By supporting foster carers we are putting our vulnerable children first, allowing them to stay in a family setting within the local community which enhances stability.”

Published: 07 Dec 2022