Newham Council’s Trading Standards has seized £250,000 worth of non-compliant vapes and illicit tobacco products in the last year

Seized Tobacco products 2022

Crackdown by council on fake, illicit and unsafe products protects Newham residents.Trading standards provide expert advice to businesses.

Over the last 12 months, Newham’s Trading Standards has seized approximately £250,000 worth of non-compliant vapes and illicit tobacco products that were potentially destined for young people in Newham.

These products are often cheaper and more attractive to young people. As a result, there are also wider concerns relating to anti-social behaviour, due to the scale of illicit trade, and product availability.

Recently Newham’s Trading Standards service took part in two targeted days of action led by Newham’s Community Safety Team. The days of action in Plaistow North and Plaistow South wards targeted a variety of identified concerns from residents and businesses.

Leading up to the days of action, Newham’s Trading Standards service provided business advice and education to 40 businesses across both wards. The advice provided specific information relating to e-cigarettes, vapes, and other nicotine inhaling products.

Overall, the planned days of action were a success with a total of 17 businesses visited with10 non-compliance notices issued, and the identification of over 700 non-compliant nicotine inhaling products.

Councillor Carleene Lee-Phakoe, Cabinet Member for Crime & Community Safety said:

“There has been significant concern over the past 12 months surrounding the increasing popularity of disposable vapes with young people.

“During the days of action there were a number of immediate concerns associated with the vapes, which ranged from their overall non-compliance, safety related issues attributed to batteries, excessive nicotine strength, excessive cannabinoid content, modified tanks, and labelling irregularities.

“The identified products were immediately removed from sale, with recommendations provided by Trading Standards as to their disposal, or return to suppliers. The non-compliant business premises will now receive follow-up visits as part of Trading Standards’ ongoing enquiries.

“Our days of action bring together different teams across the council to protect our residents and businesses. Trading standards provide expert advice to our businesses, ensuring that the products they stock are safe and legally compliant.”

Report Consumer Crime Tool

The following Trading Standards areas can be reported via the “Report Consumer Crime Tool”.

  • People dealing in fake, illicit or unsafe products.
  • The sale of age-restricted products to children.

For further information, or to report any of the above issues, please visit 

Alternatively, if you suspect the illegal sale of e-cigarettes, vapes, nicotine inhaling devices, fake, or unsafe products,  you can report information direct to Newham Trading Standards at

Published: 29 Nov 2022