Formal council meetings and events

Formal Council meetings and events over the coming period

In a show of respect to King Charles III and the Royal Family during this period of mourning, no formal events or Council meetings will take place over the coming 10 day period.

The following meetings and events are being cancelled for now:

Council Meetings:

  1. Development Control Members' Forum - Friday 9 September – 9 am
  2. Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee - Monday 12 September – 10 am
  3. Officer Key Decision - Monday 12 September
  4. Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee - Tuesday 13 September 2022 – 10 am
  5. Strategic Development Committee - Tuesday 13 September 2022 – 5:30 pm
  6. Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 14 September 2022 – 6 pm
  7. Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Commission - Thursday 15 September  - 7 pm
  8. Joint Committee of the Four Growth Boroughs - Friday 16 September - 10 am
  9. Newham Pensions Board - Friday 16 September – 2:30 pm
  10. Council - Monday 19 September 2022 – 7 pm

Council Events:

As a show of respect during this Period of National Mourning, we have cancelled a number of upcoming key Council events (these are listed below). While the Council has made this decision in relation to its own events, individuals and businesses who are organising their own events may choose to continue to hold these during the coming period. 

  • Newham Unlocked Festival, Central Park – 10 September
  • Newham Unlocked Festival, West Ham Park – 17 September
  • Newham Tea Dance, Old Town Hall Stratford – 12 September

Published: 09 Sep 2022