Newham's diversity celebrated at special event as revised religious education syllabus is launched

Newham s diversity celebrated at special event 3

Faith leaders from all backgrounds came together at a special event to launch a new religious education (RE) syllabus for the borough’s schoolchildren. 

Guests also included the Mayor of Newham Rokhsana Fiaz, Newham SACRE members and Councillors Ann Easter and Joshua Garfield. Teachers and schoolchildren from across the borough listened to a Muslim blessing and a Jewish prayer, witnessed a dazzling Hindu stick dance with pupils from Vicarage Primary School and were entertained by Sikh hymn singing by a local priest. Brampton Choir also performed along with Plashet School student Shreya Kotecha’s reflections on the value of religious education for teenagers.

The main address was given by Ed Hoyle, Newham SACRE chair and Anita Stewart, Newham Director of Education, Inclusion and Achievement, who both praised the collaborative work between faith leaders, the councils and teachers together to produce a high quality document that enhances even further the RE work that takes place in this borough.

All state schools are legally required to provide religious education for pupils from the ages of four to 19. The RE curriculum is set locally by Newham Council’s Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE). The SACRE is an independent body consists of councillors, teachers, faith leaders and representatives whose role is to support and give advice to the local authority, schools, teachers, parents and carers on matters that are related to collective worship and religious education in schools.

In line with national guidelines, the 2022 syllabus incorporates secular philosophies and worldviews as part of its scope. It also celebrates and promotes the important place RE has in the curriculum of all schools to encourage the spiritual, moral, emotional, cultural and intellectual development of pupils in Newham.

Councillor Joshua Garfield said: “This syllabus is an incredible piece of work that both reflects and celebrates all the different religions and communities in Newham. It will be a valuable tool for teachers working in all Newham schools as Religious Education plays a vital role in the school curriculum for all children, encouraging them to learn about different customs, cultures, and worldviews. I would also like to thank all the staff and faith leaders who contributed to this syllabus under difficult circumstances, particularly Claire Clinton, our director of RE, whom I’ve had the joy of working with for four years – I know our syllabus will help equip our young people with useful knowledge and new life-long skills, teaching them tolerance, empathy and understanding.”

Agreed syllabuses for RE should be reviewed within five years of publication. To ensure minimal delays to the 2022 syllabus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Newham SACRE used online meeting spaces to consult on all aspects and its associated planning with teachers and representatives from a range of faith groups. As a result of this work and effort, this 2022 revised syllabus has built on the 2016 document with key elements retained and improvements made.

The syllabus can be found here.

Published: 18 Jul 2022